Night of the Departed Souls: Farewell. Act 1

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Beneath the young forest's canopy, a scene of feebleness unfolded. Cradled by the tender embrace of tree roots, a woman lay prostrate upon the earth. Lines of exhaustion etched her visage, suppressing her indomitable spirit now ensnared by weariness. The night's chill penetrated deep into her bones, a stark reminder of her vulnerability in this moment of profound debilitation. She had never known such helplessness: her vitality drained, her will broken.

In the surrounding silence, a whisper, barely audible, cut through her desolation. "Don't worry, my ahuvati... I'm here," a voice heavy yet strong, surged through the emptiness. It was a whisper that roused her from despair's edge, igniting a flicker of hope amid the growing gloom. With monumental effort, she forced her eyelids apart, allowing her to see the one who embodied her love.

Baruch, his hand pressed reverently against the trunk of a tree that he and Tabitha had nurtured with devotion for over a decade, stood sentinel over her frail form. "Thank you for taking care of her, Ha'Etz. I'm deeply grateful," Baruch murmured over his shoulder, his voice a tender whisper. He leaned toward Tabitha, gently wrapping his arms around her. The leaves of the druidic tree rustled proudly, their movements a chorus of whispers celebrating the praise bestowed upon them.

In a gesture as tender as it was resolute, Baruch lifted her into his arms, his strength a vivid contrast to her fragility. Tabitha, her eyelids heavy as mountains, struggled, struggled to keep her gaze fixed on him, seeking solace in the familiar shoulder. Around them, the world seemed to hold its breath, the forest itself a silent observer of their tender, yet desperate reunion.

Nestled against her husband, Tabitha's voice was a mere whisper against his steadfast shoulder. " I cannot protect us any longer," she murmured, her words barely audible. "I'm drained. Adon Diurnix has forsaken me..." she confessed, her voice tinged with a deep, aching despair.

As she spoke, clarity slowly returned to her gaze, and she noticed two village men standing below. From her elevated refuge in Baruch's arms, the men seemed diminutive. She recognized Carlos, a man whose steadfast labor and resilience had once garnered her favor, alongside Miguel, whose youthful zeal and bravery were undeniable. Yet, in this moment, they stood small and wavered like aspen leaves in an uncertain breeze, their expressions etched with a feebleness peculiar to children lost in a lush forest.

A sense of guilt over her helplessness enveloped Tabitha, yet in her defeat, she yielded fully to this frailty. With the last vestiges of her dwindling strength, Tabitha drew herself closer to Baruch's chest, seeking solace in the steady heartbeat that resonated against her own, and yielding to her vulnerability, surrendered her fate to this steadfast embrace.

A fleeting shadow of hesitation crossed Baruch's eyes, swiftly replaced by a resolute gleam. "Leave it to me," he whispered, his voice a bastion of reassurance amidst the chaos.

Yet, before he could turn towards the village, an ominous shadow eclipsed their hope, descending with a silence that belied its monstrous nature. The moonlight that had recently illuminated them faded, plunging the entire grove into shadow

Baruch's gaze slowly rose to the rapidly approaching figure, a dark specter that blotted out the sky. Above them, a monstrous entity unfolded, its presence a grotesque tapestry woven from tales of dread.

The creature's hide, dense and armor-like, spoke of eons weathered, battles fought and survived. Atop its colossal form, four wings unfurled, a dual testament to its dominion over the air. Beneath the shadow of its wings, four limbs swayed, each tipped with talons capable of tearing through both earth and flesh with ease.

With a swift jerk, the creature plummeted from the sky, landing with a monstrous roar that shook the earth. Its vast body covered an entire grove, large enough to shelter several Druid families. The impact exploded the ground beneath its feet and crushed the mighty trees, reducing them to splinters under its superior power.

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