Alaric closed the distance between them.

Gale's hand sunk into his hair, drawing him in, as they both melted into the kiss. Gale tasted of berries, sweet and inviting, and Alaric felt the world disappear. It was slow at first, until they were both moaning against each other, not wanting the moment to end.

Gale pulled back at last, scanning Alaric anxiously, as if he expected Alaric to turn away and say it was a mistake. But Alaric couldn't. Not when this had been the most alive he'd ever felt.

"You think we will be enough against the king?" Alaric said instead, breathless,

"I don't know," said Gale. "But have each other for now. That is all I need."

Alaric fiddled with the ropes binding him, and in the slimmest glimmer of hope, he realised the choices were before him. Gale's offer held the possibility of redemption - not just for himself, but for all those he had lost. Perhaps even for the once villain who sat before him, patiently still, holding open a path he could have never considered once.

It was a strange alliance, born out of brokenness and despair, and yet Alaric imagined both their futures twinkling faintly with the potential. A chance to get to know each other better and to work together towards their united path.

"Me too," Alaric whispered softly.

And so, in that dimly lit cell, between the tears, hope began to stir once more.

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