1. The Glittering Prison

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Ishita's POV

The camera lights flash like a thousand tiny suns, blinding me for a second as I step onto the red carpet. I force a smile—one of those practiced, perfect ones that every actress in Bollywood learns to master. My face is flawless, my body draped in the most expensive designer gown, shimmering under the cameras. To the world, I am the golden girl, the rising star. But inside, I feel like I'm suffocating.

The crowd screams my name. Ishita! Ishita! It echoes like a chant. Their admiration clings to me, heavy and suffocating, just like everything else in my life. I look around, my eyes searching for the one person I need to please the most—my father.

Rohit Verma, the legendary actor, stands a few steps away, his expression cold and calculating as usual. His presence is like a shadow looming over me, reminding me of everything I must be—perfect, controlled, obedient. No matter how much I've accomplished, it's never enough for him. I've been in the spotlight since I was a child, molded into the image he wanted. And now, at 29, I'm still his puppet.

His gaze meets mine, and I know what he's thinking without him saying a word. Stay focused, don't slip up. The world is watching, after all.

I quickly divert my attention, giving the press and paparazzi what they want—another dazzling smile. But inside, a storm is brewing, and I can feel it growing stronger with each passing second.

As I turn to pose for more pictures, I sense someone new in the corner of my eye. Tall, broad-shouldered, with a stance that screams military precision. His eyes, hidden behind dark sunglasses, scan the crowd with a sharpness that makes my breath hitch.

Arjun. My new bodyguard.

I haven't officially met him yet, but I already know everything about him. My father made sure I was aware of Arjun's credentials—a decorated ex-military officer, known for his skill, loyalty, and fierce dedication to his job. And now, he's been hired to shadow my every move, to protect me from the growing threats my fame has attracted. But I can't help but feel uneasy around him.

As I make my way toward the event entrance, Arjun moves silently beside me, keeping a careful distance. I steal a glance at him, my curiosity piqued. His jawline is sharp, his features rugged and stoic, not like the smooth, polished men I'm used to being around. There's something about him that unsettles me, something dangerous, like he's seen more darkness in this world than he lets on.

And for a moment, I wonder—what's his story?

As the event begins, I'm swept into a world of flashing lights, hollow conversations, and shallow compliments. My co-stars gather around, smiling for the cameras, their fake laughter blending with the constant hum of praise and admiration. I play my part, nodding and laughing on cue, even though my mind is elsewhere.

Dad keeps a close eye on me throughout the night, ensuring that I don't stray too far from his carefully constructed image of the perfect daughter. My eyes meet his for a brief second, and a chill runs down my spine. I know he's expecting something—always expecting more.

Suddenly, I hear a voice behind me, soft but sharp. "Ishita."

I turn to see Priya, my younger sister, standing a few feet away. Her lips curl into a smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes. There's always a subtle hostility in her presence, like she's waiting for me to slip up, to fail.

"You looked radiant tonight," she says, her tone laced with false sweetness. "As usual."

"Thank you," I reply, matching her fake warmth. We both know this is just part of the act—the façade we maintain for the world.

Priya has always been competitive, always trying to one-up me. But lately, it feels like she's playing a deeper, more dangerous game, one I don't fully understand yet. And I don't have the energy to figure it out tonight.

As the night drags on, I feel the weight of the glamour, the expectations, the endless scrutiny crushing me. It's moments like these when I wish I could disappear, leave behind the lights, the cameras, the fame, and just... breathe.

When the event finally ends, I walk outside, the cool night air hitting my face like a welcome relief. For a brief moment, I let myself relax.


The voice is low, commanding, and it makes me pause. I turn to see Arjun standing by the car, his expression unreadable.

"Everything alright?" he asks, his tone professional, but there's a subtle hint of concern.

I nod, not trusting my voice to betray how fragile I feel right now. He opens the door for me, his movements smooth and controlled, and for a second, our eyes meet. His dark, intense gaze holds mine, and something unspoken passes between us.

I quickly break the eye contact and slip into the car.

As the car pulls away from the event, the city lights blur past, but I can't shake the feeling that something has shifted tonight. Arjun's presence is unsettling, not just because he's here to protect me, but because there's something in his gaze, something dangerous and compelling, that makes my pulse quicken in a way it shouldn't.

And for the first time in a long while, I wonder if I'm truly safe—not from the outside world, but from the growing attraction I feel for the man sworn to protect me.

I'm playing with fire, I think. But maybe it's time to burn.

Author's POV

From the shadows, Arjun watches her. He's been trained to notice every detail—the tension in her posture, the exhaustion hidden behind her flawless smile, the way she carries the weight of her world on her delicate shoulders. But there's something more about Ishita Verma, something that draws him in, even though he knows better.

He's here to do a job. Protect her. Keep her safe. But the longer he's around her, the more difficult it becomes to separate the professional from the personal.

And as she disappears into the backseat of the car, Arjun knows one thing for certain—keeping his distance from Ishita won't be as easy as he thought.

Not when every instinct in him is pulling him closer to the woman he's sworn to protect.




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