2. Fractured Illusions

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Ishita's POV

The car glides through the bustling streets of Mumbai, and I stare blankly out the window, watching the world blur by in a cacophony of lights and sounds. But my mind is elsewhere, tangled in thoughts of the night's events.

I can still feel Arjun's gaze on me, sharp and piercing, as if he could see right through the glamorous façade I wore like armor. My chest tightens with the thought. I should be focusing on my career, my image, but ever since he stepped into my life, everything feels more complicated.

"Did you have a good time tonight?" My father's voice cuts through my thoughts, bringing me back to reality. His tone is casual, but I can sense the underlying scrutiny.

"Of course, Dad," I reply, forcing a smile that feels brittle. "It was a great event."

He nods, but I can tell he's not convinced. "You need to work on your media presence. The public loves you, but there's always room for improvement. We need to keep the momentum going."

I feel a familiar wave of frustration wash over me. "I'm doing my best. The film is getting good reviews, and I'm working on the next one."

"Good reviews aren't enough, Ishita. You need to be in the spotlight constantly." He glances at me, his expression hardened. "You know what happened with Priya. We can't afford to let her steal your thunder."

The mention of Priya makes my stomach twist. She's been vying for my father's attention and affection ever since he focused on me. I've always felt the strain of competition, but lately, it feels like a battle I can't win.

"I'm not worried about Priya," I insist, though a part of me knows that's a lie. The jealousy is palpable in her actions, and I refuse to let it consume me.

"Good." Dad's tone is final, dismissing my concerns. "Focus on your career, and leave the family drama out of it."

As we arrive at our lavish home, I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the evening ahead. This mansion, filled with luxury and wealth, should feel like a safe haven. Instead, it often feels more like a gilded cage.

Stepping inside, I'm greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of my family's world—a whirlwind of servants, the glint of chandeliers, and the scent of expensive perfumes. But it all feels suffocating, a reminder of my obligations and expectations.

"Get ready for the meeting with the director tomorrow," my father reminds me as he heads down the hall. "And remember, you represent the Verma name."

Once he's gone, I lean against the cool marble wall, letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. My phone buzzes in my pocket, pulling me back to reality. It's a message from Tara, my best friend and the only person who seems to understand the chaos of my life.

Hey! Want to meet for coffee tomorrow? I have some exciting news!

I smile at the thought of Tara. She's always been my escape, the one person I can be real with. I type back quickly.

Definitely! Can't wait!

After a few more messages, I make my way upstairs, my thoughts still drifting to Arjun. He's different from anyone I've met. There's a quiet intensity about him, a strength that's hard to ignore. And yet, I can't shake the feeling that he's hiding something beneath that stoic exterior.

Why does he make me feel this way?

I dismiss the thought as I prepare for bed. I need to focus on my career, my dreams, not distractions that come with complications. But as I lie in bed, sleep eludes me, and I find myself staring at the ceiling, replaying Arjun's penetrating gaze in my mind.

Arjun's POV

After Ishita stepped into the car, I kept my distance, respecting her space while my mind raced with thoughts. This assignment is supposed to be straightforward—protect her from the dangers that come with fame. But every time I glance at her, the lines between my duty and my emotions blur.

The media frenzy surrounding her is relentless. I've studied her life, the pressures she faces daily, and how the world views her. But beyond the bright lights, I see a woman caught in a trap of expectations, struggling to break free.

When I was assigned to this detail, I thought I'd be guarding another rich, spoiled celebrity, but Ishita is different. There's a vulnerability behind her glamorous façade that draws me in, and it's both captivating and dangerous.

As I head back to my small apartment, I replay the evening in my mind. Her smile, her laughter—it all felt so genuine, and yet I know better. Underneath it all lies a storm brewing, one that could draw me in if I'm not careful.

The thought unsettles me. I've seen too much in my line of work, the darkness that fame can attract. My job is to keep her safe, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that nothing reaches her. But that doesn't mean I can ignore the connection I felt with her tonight.

In the shadows of my apartment, I pull out a notepad and jot down my observations. I need to keep track of every detail, every potential threat.

Ishita Verma—famous, talented, and already targeted by those who envy her success.

I stop writing, leaning back in my chair, the weight of my duty pressing down on me. I can't afford to let emotions cloud my judgment. But as I close my eyes, it's her image that fills my mind—her laughter, her grace, and the spark of vulnerability I caught a glimpse of.

I shake my head, trying to dispel the thoughts. This isn't about me; it's about keeping her safe. I can't lose sight of that.

Tomorrow is another day, another chance to protect her from whatever shadows lurk in the corners of her world.




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