- Woaaaah! I'm flying! - Says Gura, sitting in a private jet from Cover Corp.
- Don't you ever fly, little one? - Asks Shien, reading a book, sitting on the right side, making sure not to sit in the same place as Oga, while Amelia and Gura were together, in seats side by side on the left side.
- NEVER! Most of my life was spent running from Myth Hunters or swimming through the depths of the ocean. - Comments Gura.
- Myth Hunters, I took out several of those bastards before Shinove could find me. - Says Oga with her arms crossed.
- Who would have thought we would have more problems besides them... Nyarlathotep... - Thinks Amelia, hating how familiar this name sounds to herself.
- Attention everyone, we have arrived at the Vladivostok military base facilities. – Comments the pilot of the jet, the four members of Cover Corp watch the jet passing over a large military base, they could see that if this base wanted, it could take down the plane, with missile launchers, anti-aircraft and other emergency protocols.
- Oh, does anyone here speak Russian? – Asks Shien.
- I speak Russian, German, Arabic, Portuguese, Latin and I can even scratch a bit of Mandarin. – Comments Amelia.
- Oh, great Polygon. – Says Gura with an ironic tone in his voice.
- Did you mean polyglot? – Asks Oga.
- Oh, that word is very difficult! It's not my fault for forgetting. – Says the little shark girl, shaking her accent in protest.
As they descended with the jet on the landing area, some soldiers were coming to greet them. Amelia took the lead and then showed the same card that Enma showed when she went on the mission with Norman to eliminate the Sarugami. The Russian soldiers nod, showing that wherever they go, Cover Corp has a lot of power, it has more power and is bigger than any conflict that countries could have between themselves, everyone would obey and open the doors to Cover Corp agents.
- In Russian: Please take us to Strelok Ivanov. – Amelia comments, the three following her barely understanding what she was saying.
- In Russian: Yes miss, we will take you directly to his office. – The soldier comments, turning his back on Amelia and following the path, Amelia starts to follow him knowing what he had said and the other three follow Amelia like ducklings.Passing through some corridors that showed soldiers training aim, physical training and even robots building new weapons, robots building new robots, artificial intelligences being manufactured and being used for various things like cooking, hacking, etc.
- The Russian army seems more advanced than what internet research shows, I should have imagined that the powers would never reveal one hundred percent of their potential to the public, which means that even from other armies what I find is limited. - Oga says thoughtfully.
- When you were in the Vacum military, did you by any chance reveal your secrets to the public? I've already made a lot of money selling military secrets. - Shien says, only to get a slap in the face from Amelia.
- Are you an idiot saying something like that? They're filming us! When they translate and see what you said, we'll be suspicious! - Amelia shouts at the mobster.
- Ow, ow, sorry, I said it without thinking. - Says the demihuman, scratching where Amelia hit him.
- You get used to getting slapped for saying something stupid. - Gura comments, patting the mobster on the back. After walking for a while longer, they arrived at the office of the second-in-command of that military base. The soldier who was guiding them made room for them to enter and let them go back to doing their own duties.
FanfictionNorman Nakamura is a 22-year-old young man who traveled to Japan in search of a new beginning. However, when he meets a girl dressed as a detective, his life changes to fight supernatural creatures and protect girls who can destroy the world.