02 october | kirishima x ashido

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Unnerving Horror Movie

In the dark of the night, covered in the fluffiest blankets they own, Eijiro Kirishima and Mina Ashido cuddle together watching the newest slasher film. It centers around of group friends deciding to leave town and experience halloween in a wooden cabin in the middle of the woods.

They share ghost stories and drink nutmeg and carve pumpkins, but then, someone turns up dead, hung in a tree by a rope used to tie their boat to the dock. Now, everyone is trying to find the killer and keep themselves alive.

Usually Mina and Eijiro have no problems with scary movies, but this one is a little on the extreme side. No way would Izuku Midoriya, a close friend of theirs, be able to stomach this movie all the way through.

"Who do you think did it?" Eijiro asks, squeezing his girlfriend's hand a little harder.

"I don't know, and I don't know if I want to find out," he squeaks, turning her head toward Eijiro's neck, averting her eyes from the television screen. Just as she closed her eyes, a gut wrenching scream is let out by one of the main characters as the killer proceeds to gut him on the front porch of the cabin.

"And I think that's enough for tonight," Eijiro decides, quickly turning the movie off and turning on the lights. "Holy shit."

"Holy shit," Mina repeats.

They both breathe heavily, ears listening hard for a lurking intruder.

"We can't stay here tonight," Eijiro says, looking at Mina for any signs that he needs to be stronger than he feels right now.


Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he speed dials his emergency contact.

"It is almost midnight. What the hell could you possibly want from me right now?"

"Katsuki, hey! Are you and Shoto doing anything tonight?"

"Besides sleeping? Nothing. And no, we're not going to that new damn club with you."

"I wasn't going to ask about the club," Eijiro says easily, mentally crossing off the list of asking Katsuki and Shoto to the club. "I was just thinking, it's really close to Halloween and we should get the gang together to have a sleep over. At your place. 'Cause it's the biggest."

"It's the second of October."

"No time like the present!"

There's a pregnant pause on the other end before Katsuki sighs. "Did you watch that new fucking movie? The one I told you not to watch."

"It was horrible!" Mina shouts, bottom lip sticking out. "The way they died! It- It-"

"This is why I told you not to watch it! You are not strong enough!"

In the background, there's some rustling then the voice of Shoto, who has clearly just woken up. "Babe, that's mean. If they're scared, let them come over. Didn't you cook all that katsudon? We're not going to finish that. Just call everyone over and you can show them how much better you are at watching scary movies."

Eijiro and Mina wait in anticipation of Katsuki's response.

"Fine! But I'm not calling all those extras! And if you invite fucking Deku, I'll kill you!"

The phone hangs up, and Eijiro and Mina make quick work of inviting everyone to the Todoroki-Bakugo residence. As soon as everyone confirms their invitation— though, they did have to wake a few people up— Eijiro and Mina drive over, still dressed in their sleepwear.

Katsuki opens the door after the second ring, unimpressed look on his face and arms crossed over his black t-shirt. "Come on. Everyone else is mostly here."

Inside, the lights are turned on and the movie they were just watching at home is ready to be played on the tv screen. The smell of katsudon and red wine fills the air, as well as the loud laughter of their friends.

"Thanks for doing this, man," Eijiro says, his cheeks tinged pink. "That movie... it was pretty scary."

In the light of just the two of them, Katsuki lets down his guard with a soft smile. "What makes you think I'm not planning the same thing?"

dw they all survived the night and slept in a giant cuddle pile (minus todobaku who went back to their own bed)

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