ch8:- voice

25 4 0

After few days..

-EVERYONE BE ASIDE LET ME GO!.. (jungkook was carrying his food tray and pushing everyone to get out in the crowd)

He came out frustrated and put the plate on table and sat with others

Jk:- why is there only one counter for food! Arrgghhh!!!

Jimin:- ohh so you feel hungry for  food too? Thought you were a blood sucker

Jk:- and dont push me to suck your blood!

Taehyung:- (plain tone) why you guys always fight

Namjoon:- you both look like old married couple (laughs)

Jk/Jimin/Yoongi:- NO WE/THEY DONT!!

jin:- *cough cough*

Taehyung:-(pats his back) how many times i told you take your medicine Jin you are getting old .. take care of your health

Jin:- (glares at him) f*ck you!!

Namjoon:- Yoongi why are you triggered by it?

Yoongi:- m-me n-no i was just.. hey both dont look like a couple!! But more like siblings!

Jin:- (sigh) thats true my younger brother troubles me alot

:- hey guys this is the pamplets for the party
(A wizard boy handes them the pamplets)

it was a motion picture of a drinks cheering and some people enjoying along with the venue,date and time floating

Namjoon:- good luck for todays match Sehun ..

S:- thanks Namjoon (biding them bye to distribute to others)

Hope:- its after a month!

Jk:- yes .. and?

Hope:- how  i will be there.. i mean

Namjoon:- dont worry you will be alright

Jin:- and we are here to help..

Jimin puts his hand around jhope

Jimin:- just be my partner everything will be alright

Jk:- heck nooo ewwww... This shorty with this beauty arrgghh

Jimin:- shut up jungkook!

Hobi:- if you dont have...any problem..

Jimin:- then its sorted .. (eats his fries)

Taehyung:- and my partner wil be jungkook..

Jk:- eh? Nooo did i ask ?

Yoongi:- yeah cuz he will be my partner

Jk:- excuse me Mr.Oldly demon i may refuse him but that doesnt mean my taste is bad.. i mean look at me!!

Jimin:- yeah look at this coconut head , so dumb (rolls his eyes)

Jin:- ooo burn yoongi i can feel you bro

Yg:- no you dont..

Jin:- (winks) you know me..

Yoongi makes a annoyed face

Jk:- i want to go with.... hosekk (smirks)

Jimin:-(glare) yeah cuz i choose him so now you want him too!!

Jk:- ehh nooo i already said he will be mine partner..

Jimin:- when?
Jk:- in my head..

Jimin:- he is my partner so fuck off

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