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Hobi follows the dairy to Dean's Office

F:- (she knock on the door )
- "come in" (a voice respond from inside)
F:- "lets go"

She opens the door and enter inside with Hobi behind her there sat a man in his 50s wearing specs with stylish suit he looks like him, sipping his coffee, hobi reads the name plate on his table
"Bang Hyushik"

Bang:- "hello there" (hobi bowed to him)
F:- "He is a newcomer sir"
Bang:- "ahh i see, you can go Sara"
F:- "ok sir" (she left)
Bang:- "so what type are you?"
Hobi:- "uh?"

Bang:- "what creature are you? Vampire?demon? Elf?"
(Sips his coffee)
Hobi:- "i m a human being"
Bang:-(choks on his coffee) "a What???!!!"
Hobi:- "hu- human" (nervous)
Bang:- "yo- ah-h-how?"
Hobi:- "actually sir i got this envelope from a girl her name his Amy and she gave me this (shows the card) to me and now i m here..."
Bang:- "ahhhh (inspects the card) i see okay then (smiles)"
Hobi:- "uh?"

Bang:- "see now you are here and you have to stay here untill the academics are over" (say calmly joining his hands on table)"
Hobi:- "b-but sir how can i?"
Bang:- "What happened.. let it alone... now you are here so spend time here learning.. our subjects you will enjoy it here hu- .. what was your name again?"
Hobi:- hoseok ,Jung Hoseok

Bang:- "yes hoseok its ik its must be different for you here but i know you will enjoy here just stay here and learn some things? Its like your human World college life but in a different way you have to give test, practical and other things except it will be in a fantasy type for you, you must try it..." (explains him calmly)

Hobi:- "o-okay but arent i different here?"
Bang:- "hmm it doent matter and if things go beyond hand send them to me okay?"

Hobi:- "yes sir thankyou" (still not accepting)
Bang:- (sighs) "ik hoseok its different for you but we cant sent you back untill the academics are over just try to blend in here.... okay?"
Hobi:- "i-i will try sir..." (understanding his point and nod in smile)

Bang:- "good boy and here is your key for your room you will be sharing with a boy here don't worry he is very kind and sweet and these are some books & uniform"
(Snap his fingers and book , bag with his uniform & room key appears appears)
Hobi:- "th-thankyou" (shock)

Bang:- "no problem child enjoy in here and study well, i already inform your teachers about you and yeah btw (he offer his hand and his timetable appear)
This is the timetable"

Hobi:- "i-idk what to say i already feel guilty i m here in place of someone"
Bang:- "maybe it was a your fate? Destiny? she herself give that envelope to you maybe she wanted you to be here Dont think much"
Hobi:- "o-ok sir"
Nang :- "now you can leave"
Hobi:-(bowed and left outside)

Hobi stand outside the hallway looking around in confusion seeing different people chatting around some are flying some are just being themselves

Hobi:- "But where should i go?"
Suddenly someone bumped to him hobi looks at him to find ot was Jimin again

Hobi:- "ahh you .."
Jimin:- "yeah me hehehe you got your schedule?"
Hobi:- "yeah it-"
Jimin:-" lemme se (he took his timetable)
Ohh its spell casting (analyse his schedule) we got almost got same clasess lets go(he drags him not even letting hobi speak)
and i forgot to mention that we are already late for class hehehe"


Jimin:- "Mam may we come in"
-"again late for class Jimin i swear if i dont scold you doesnt mean i cant give you detention"
Jimin:- "a-actually Mam today i met this new student so i was helping him"

The teacher look at hobi
- "okay come inside"

They both enter inside

- "introduce yourself new kid"
Hobi:- "ah- hi i-i m h-hoseok you can call me hobi" (flustered)

-"and i m Irene i teach spell casting in this class you can sit beside that blue hair boy (points at someone) please raise your hand"

- "its tiffany blue" (nonchalant voice)
Irene:- "yeah yeah whatever (turn to her notes) kids these days" (shook her head rolling her eyes)

Hobi walk towards that boy and sit beside him and jimin was sitting behind him

- "hi Myself Jungkook, Jk" (the TIFFANY BLUE hair boy said)
- "and me Jin" (said the boy beside Jk)
-"me taehyung" (said the boy having contrast of red hair sitting infront of him)

Hobi:- "nice to meet you all"
Tae:- "same here btw yo are really cute when you blush" (slurty voice)
Hobi:-(got red more)
Jk:- "here he goes again" (roll his eyes)

Irene:- "okay focus class today we will learn the spell on how to manipulate other person... Its very simple it need concentration which you all not born with well , btw..
Let me give you a demo ..... Niki come here (she call Niki who came stand beside her)

Look at me" (niki did)
Irene looks deep into his eyes as she mitters something in whiseper something in her breath then snap her fingers

Niki:-(stand there blankly)
Irene:- "go and throw water at ... Jay"
Niki immediately goes and throw water at Jay who was sleeping
Irene:- "focus on class Jay..
Niki write on board "strangunas kalejga"
He did
Okay niki" (snap her finger again )

Niki:- "what just happened?..."
Jungwon:- "you just act like a puppet"
Irene:- "now go sit, thankyou , so stare at your person make deep eye contact and mutter this spell calmly while looking at them then snap your fingers to start then do that again to stop it, simple right? Now try it on"

Everyone in class was trying to do the new lesson

Tae:- "lets see if you can do"
Hobi:- "i dont think i can..."
Tae:- "no worry lemme first try on you-"
Jk:- "no way i m your partner i know what's in your mind"
Tae:- "you are no fun Jeon"
Jk:- "whatever hobi you can be partner with Jimin"

Jimin comes amd sit beside him as Jin pair with Heesung

Jimin:- "lemme try it first okay?"
He make deep eye contact and it will be wrong to say that hobi didnt got flustered staring at jimins cyan blue eyes

Snaps his finger infront of hobi

Hobi was now in control of Jimin

Jimin:- "ohh yeah i did itt!!!"
Jin:- "you should make him do something"
Jimin:- "what should i make him do?" (He immediately Whispers something to hobi)
Hobi immediately smack jk head
Jimin:- "hahahahahahaha" (fall from the chair laughing hard)
Jk:- "midget!!!"
Jimin:- "heyyy hobi slap him!" (hobi immediately slap him)
Jk:- you-

Irene:- "okay you guys dont make hobi as your play thing
Jimin stop it"

And jimin make it stop and hobi came back

Irene:- "Guys dont use it on bad things okay?"

Everyone: "yes mam!"

Bell rings

Irene:- "now dismiss"

Everyone got out

Jimin:- "hey you can come with us for lunch now we are friends"
Jin:- "yeah you can"
Tae:- "i dont mind sitting with a cutie" (wink)
Jk smack his head
Jk :- "yes you can hobi.."
Hobi- "ah okay then"
(Hobi left with them to cafeteria)



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