2 years earlier

11 1 9

It isn't until the train starts moving again that I notice the strange package sitting next to me, I look around hoping to spot the man who left it and come up empty. I put my air pods back in a try to ignore it but eventually curiosity gets the best of me and I reach for the box. It feels heavy in my arms and I gently shake it. I look around again and no one is looking at me. I open the box and the last thing I remember seeing before it all went black is the man standing in the next car watching me through the window. 

I slowly blink awake, distantly noting a headache pounding in the back of my head, I reach up to touch my head and feel something warm and sticky, when I bring they're red. I sit up and slowly look around, there's smoke and carnage everywhere, small fires burning, people laid motionless across broken pieces of train, blood coating their bodies. I hear sirens and that when I see out of the corner of my eye a man, the same man from earlier, dressed in a suit a long black coat, and a pinstripe hat disappearing around a corner, lost in the wreckage. I watch the corner, waiting for the man to reappear until I'm being lifted off the ground and placed on a stretcher, a light being shined in my eyes and EMT's lobbing questions at me. I try to speak but nothing comes out, my throat aches like a swallowed knives, my stomach lurches and I turn, vomiting red on one of the EMT's pushing my stretcher, I fall back onto the stretcher and everything goes black. 

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