Field of Crushed Hopes

14 4 3

TW - Implied Abuse


"Look! There's a girl crying in the fields!"

"What are you gonna do, go be her Zeus and swipe her off her feet, taking her away from her problems?"



Elena glanced up at the silver haired boy and blinked slowly. "Wh-What are you doing here?" She questioned nervously, shuffling closer to the dark green reeds surrounding her, threatening to be swallowed back into the depths of the field.

The boy's brown eyes were wide, his hand reaching out to comfort her. "A-Are you okay? I heard screaming and then I saw you and-"

Elena  suddenly looked terrified, a look of horror came onto her. She started tugging on the plants around her, a deed that Demeter surely would not approve of. "I-I made a scene? Oh my gods, this is b-bad. I-I need to go!" She hurriedly got up, brushing off her dirt filled, cream coloured chiton (which was much too big for her and falling apart, he noted, and why was she even wearing a chiton?) and was about to run past the tall, fair skinned boy, into the village.

"Wait!" He grabbed her wrist, confusion written all over his face. "What's happening? Why are you going? Why are you so scared?"

Elena trembled, removing her tan hand from his hastily, but the words couldn't come out her mouth, a dam that could not break. "Him." She muttered finally after a long period of silence. "I angered him. My master."

The boy tilted his head in confusion, his long hair flopping over his eyes (annoyingly) as he does. "Y-You're a slave girl?"

Elena flinched, but nodded reluctantly. Her gaze flickered over to a small, falling apart house on the corner of the village over the hill, where the boy could hear the rages of a man even from such a distance. "He's your master? Aloxis?" He asked, his honey brown eyes filled with terror.

The small girl nodded once more, averting her gaze to the insects jumping in the grass. The boy started to notice small details on her, bruises and cuts here and there, and he felt his own anger rising. How dare he, that sorry excuse for a man, lay a finger on this innocent girl!

He gently put a hand on  Elena's shoulder, and smiled softly, for her sake. "Don't." He firmly said. "Don't go back there. My family is wealthy enough. We can provide for one more mouth."

Elena's mouth dropped open. "I couldn't! I mustn't!" The boy chuckled, shaking his head. "No. Too late. I must introduce you to mother, I'm sure that she'll love you."

"B-But we just met!" Elena protested, the angry yelling coming over the hill getting louder.


The boy's expression changed to serious in a matter of seconds. "Please. I cannot stand living with the fact that I must leave you with that...thing." He spat out the word, like poison one might find in their wine.

Elena shook her head quickly, panic written on her face. "I'm but a slave girl! I'm bound to him, not matter what..."

The boy glanced down at the girl once more, pleadingly, his honey brown eyes big like a puppy dog, his face in a pout. "But..."

Elena smiled weakly at the boy, and looked behind her shoulder, a large figure coming into view from the town. "I'm sorry...but I must go now. I...I do hope that we meet day."

And with that, she hurriedly ran to the figure, holding back tears as the last sight of the mysterious boy was him reaching out to grab her, her chiton slipping through his fingers before he could, his arm still outstretched, longing to save her from her dark fate.


My first OCs! :D

I saw someone write on this website called 'the worlds most dangerous writing app' or something so I tried it out and came up with this. Meet Elena and Mystery boy! Should I write about them?

I'm dead bc I'm supposed to be going to the blue mountains tmw and it's 3:30 and I need to wake up at 6:30 so I'm debating whether I should sleep (and wake up late) or just stay awake until 6:30 and just buy a coffee or something. We're going to some garden or shit so you know what THAT means! Photos and holding poses! Yay!

*sighs and groans and bangs head against bed frame*

Anygays. Yeah. Enjoy my Elena and Mystery Boy Drabble.

- Laurel

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