Chapter 1

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Again? I am going to vomit if I do it again.

"Blake." He said my name commanding me to start.

I take a deep breath, exhaling slowly trying to lower my heart rate slightly before I take off sprinting again on the manual tread mill where the track moved as fast as my leg strides.

Running five miles is easy, I do it every morning, but sprinting 5 miles at top speed is a different story.

For the last 30 minutes, all I have done is sprint 4 miles, ranging between 5 minutes and 18 seconds to 5 minutes and 27 Seconds, with a few minutes in between each to catch my breath. That is on top of all the other workouts I had already done today.

Every morning, I go for my morning run which consists between 2-10 miles depending on how I am feeling that day, and today I am regretting running all 10.

I could feel the sweat dripping down my back and forehead.

"Faster Blake." My legs and lungs burn. If this doesn't end soon, I might just fly off the back of treadmill from pure exhaustion. I shove down the fatigue and force myself to push my legs faster. The treadmill beneath my feet keeping pace with me, because no matter what he says after this run, I am done. My body physically will not be able to run anymore.

The only thing keeping me pushing is the thought of an ice bath that is calling my name. If I want any hope of walking, let alone standing tomorrow, I am going to need to soak for a while.

I shift my eyes from staring out the window to do a quick glance at the time and distance on the Treadmill screen.

"Focus!" I snap my eyes back up and focus my gaze straight ahead out the small window. "Almost there. Push."


All of this started 10 years ago, when I was 13 years old. The running and training, because my dad won't let happen to my mom happen to me. I need to be stronger, faster, and smarter than she was that day.

That is why my training is more intense today. It happens every year on September 13th, the fear and heightened emotion to never let it happen is always intensified on the 13th, but with it being the 10-year anniversary it is even more so.

"And... cool down." My pace slows from a sprint down to walk. Lifting my arms and placing my hands on top my head to open my airways, "5:15, nice work Blake."

"Thanks." I breath out, grabbing my water bottle from the holder and taking a small swig, as I continued walking to cool down. "Am I done? My legs are about to fall off."

I could see in his eyes debating on whether to continue or not. "Let's do one-" but he was cut off with a knock at the door, before the door to the gym opened.

I turn my head and see my dad's best friend Erik standing in the doorway, in his typical attire of Jeans and well-worn long sleeve shirt, with an expression I could not place.

"Mason." Erik started, his mouth quirking ever so slightly. "You are going to want to see this."

I look to my dad who stood next to the treadmill with an iPad in hand to track my mile times. I don't bother asking what it was about, because majority of the time I never know.

When I was younger, I used to ask questions, but quickly learned I would not be told unless it was necessary for me to know.

He glanced over at me "Alright Blake, call it a day." Was all he said before he quickly left the room with Erik talking in hushed voices.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03 ⏰

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