Arrangement (Superflash)

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Arranged Marriage AU Prompt: Barry is a soldier of a foreign kingdom, holding powers belonging to one of the 9 (Justice League). The nine are all blessed with powers beyond the mortal realm, only one is entirely human in nature, Barry is faster than the speed of sound rivaling the speed of light. King Zor-El of the island of Krypton is keen on arranging for his daughter, Kara Zor-El, a marriage to Barry in order to introduce themselves to the modern world. The following is a short drabble of this. 

The sins of her ancestors oppressing the people of Earth across the vast ocean had forced the Kryptonians to seek refuge on an island located in a secluded part of the world. Humans had discovered Kryptonite and with the help of a savvy businessman called Lex Luthor, they replicated and mass-produced the substance, killing most Kryptonians and forcing the remaining stragglers to retreat to an Island far from any civilization. 

Generations passed and all the bad Kryptonians eventually died out. But the world still thought of them as monsters, devils. 

That was going to change though.

Or so Kara thought as she waited nervously in the throne room of her father's kingdom. Born with royal blood, the princess of Krypton was a hope that could bring light and new life to the island of Krypton. Many do not know what the outside contained, beyond the sea of blue, little did they know, that their enemies lay waiting for them, Alexander Luthor's descendants among them. 

Kara was dressed in a fine white gown with an olive green trenchcoat with her family crest on the back and on the bicep of her coat. She wore her hair in a regal bun and tied a ruby necklace at her neckline. 

"Your grace, the soldier Barry Allen has arrived."

"See him through."

The king had met up with Barry ahead of her, he warily accepted her proposal, deciding to think on the offer. He was a famous commander in charge of the expedition corps, he spent years away from his home in foreign lands, fighting for King Harrison, a revolutionary figure in his nation's history as he was the first to replicate the powers of one of the 9 thought to be lost to history long ago. 

He stepped into the room, his eyes settling on her. She was beautiful, with blond hair, crystal blue eyes, and delicate soft lips. It almost left him out of breath. 

He bowed to hide his blush.

"Your Grace," He murmured.

"Please, just call me Kara. From now on, Commander Allen."

"I advise you to do the same for me then, Kara.'

She smiled, tucking a strange of her hair behind her ear. 

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Commander, I've heard the stories from my acquaintances days after you arrived on the island."

"I hope they told you the good ones, I have seen so much death, sometimes I wonder if I do enough for the world."

"What drove you to come here?" Kara asked him.

"That's a good question. When I was little my father was always curious about what lay beyond the borders of our country, he asked questions, that got him killed. Our society was closeted from the world much like yours, until one scientist rose against the original King and killed him using the powers of the original 9, mystical heroes of our Earth. I live to fulfill my father's legacy to find out what lays beyond our borders, beyond the sea. Just how many people were beyond the sea."

Kara was moved by his words and gave him a sad smile.

"Your father would be so proud, I've heard you've liberated so many villages and nations, qualities of a man who is humble, focused, and caring."

Barry sighed.

"I'm afraid I'm none of those, Kara. Those are just a by-product of my curiosity about mapping the world. What I can say about me though, is that I will exhaust every resource to save humanity and to unite it as one."

"It is time for our island to unify to humanity then, will you help us, Barry?"

She extended her hand.

He smiled and held her hand.

"Yes, I will do just that."

He knelt down and kissed her knuckles, and Kara felt love stirring within her. 

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