Short "disclaimer"

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the cover art is made by me

This takes place after my previous Dragon prince story, if you haven't read you should because it takes place almost right after the epilogue, it's called : The fallen star and the Unicorn.

This story might have a few OC's in it, but like their side characters.

By now I'm just making this for fun, and going off far into my own AU.

I don't know what to say for expectations, but I'll tell you what you shouldn't expect:

Smut....ya that's pretty much it.

I also just wanna clarify that I made up the name Kova for the merciful one, but I saw the name Meirchaleo for the stern one somewhere else (or at least I'm pretty sure, I could be wrong), and I just stayed with it, cause I liked it.

I'll might have some of my art show up, but just wanna say it's kinda shit. I'm not the best drawer, but I'm working on it.


Callum X Rayla

Claudia x Terry

Janai x Amaya.

Maybe ships (like very strong maybe):

Opeli x Corvus (he and Soren are just really close friends)

Ezran x Aanya

Viren x Aaravos..? (Maybe...probably not...but still...maybe)

Speaking/taking: "looks like this."

Thinking: "looks like this."

Powerful person/creature or Extra: "looks like this"

Not much else to say.

I'll probably edit this all a bit, as well as the description for the book.

But until then, just enjoy what I have:

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