Chapter 2:

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Aaravos POV:

"Almost an entire day?" I asked rhetorically, putting my hand to my forehead. After everything that happened, it was a lot to take in, even Viren being nice to me...I thought he'd hate me, you know...after manipulating him and everything. "You okay?" He asked, grabbing a chair and sitting in front of me.

"I think I am. I honestly don't know." I replied softly, practically whispering. My left hand was shaking a bit from the pain of the cuts. I just held it still with the other. "You sure?" He asked again, eyeing my hand. "Yes. It's just my body making sure I know I'm not well." I responded, taking my hand off the other.
It was then silent.

"'s been a while since we've last seen each other." Viren said, rubbing the back of his head. " has." I said aloud, looking slightly away from him. It was silent again, but there was now an awkward tension in the air. "I'm...sorry for what I...did to you." I said remorseful, looking back towards him. "It's fine." He replied

"But don't think we're on good terms just yet!" He quickly objected his last statement.

"I know...I just wanted you to know...I'm sorry. I really am." I told him again, now moving slightly closer to him.

He just hummed, not sure what to say anymore. There was a silence between us again, but it wasn't awkward anymore.

He put his hand on my face, and I softly leaned into it, closing my eyes. I purred softly (holy crap. Aaravos is a cat, confirmed.) he chuckled quietly. "You can purr?" He joked. "Shut up." I replied, sounding tired. We just stayed like this for a few moments. The world feeling calm and peaceful.

"Hey I know this may be the wrong time to ask this, but where is the rest of my outfit?" I asked, finally noticing I didn't have my gown on. (It's technically a gown...right?") Just pants. "Oh,'s just there." Viren replied, taking his hand off my face, and pointing to a chair near a window. I simply let out an "oh". "How did I not notice it there? Am I really that tired?" I thought, still looking over at the chair.

I heard Viren sigh, I then turned to face him. "Just take it easy. I-I mean-we, don't want you hurting yourself anymore." He said patting my shoulder awkwardly, getting slightly closer to me. I sigh softly, inching closer to him as well.

"Oh my god. I knew it!" Claudia said from the door. I quickly moved away from Viren, and he did the same. "Knew what, Claudia?" He asked nervously. Claudia didn't say anything. She just smiled and walked away.

"I don't mean this in a bad way, but your daughter is weird." I muttered out, now looking back at Viren, "oh, I know she is." He said right back at me. I slightly chuckled, but clutched my side as I did so,

"Everyones downstairs, if you get the energy and want to join them." Viren told me, leaving the room right after. I smile just nodded.

After a few moments of just sitting and thinking about what I should do, I decided I should try to get up and off the bed. I tried to get up, but quickly recoiled back down, releasing a groan, and clutching my chest/side again. I sighed and tried to get up again, now holding the frame of the bed. I finally got up, but just as I let go of the frame, I fell onto the floor. "Mission failed successfully." I thought jokingly.

"Okay third times a charm." I muttered out to myself. I carefully got up, making sure I didn't fall over. I successfully got up, and didn't fall over for once. "I did it! I'm just amazing." I joked to myself again, trying to get a little more stable.

I picked up the clothes on the chair, and put them on slowly, as not to hurt myself. I then made my way to the door, into the hall, leaning against the wall for support.

I slowly made my way downstairs, trying not to fall. "Your here! That's nice." Claudia said cheerfully. I nodded, with a soft smile. Once I was all the way down, my daughter, Leola, came into the room. Once she saw me, her eyes lit up like stars during a cloudless night. She then ran and jumped up on me, causing me to stumble backwards, falling for a third time.

"Daddy! Your awake!" She squealed, still hugging me. I chuckled, hugging her back. "My daughter, how I've longed to be reunited with you." I thought, almost tearing up. "Leola, I need to get up." I muttered out with a small chuckle. "I'm sorry." She said remorsefully, getting off me. I sighed and got up. "It's fine, I'm just a little hurt that's all." I told her, my voice soft like silk, as I brushed a bit of dust off me.

"Right. How are you doing?" Claudia asked me, sounding a bit worried. "I mean, it's not the first time I've been stabbed." "It isn't?" I nodded.

"Oh that's... concerning to say the least." She responded, I slightly chuckled at her reaction.

"Where is Viren?" I asked looking around the room, thinking he'll just magically appear. "Why do you want to know?" Claudia asked curiously, grinning. "Because I like knowing things." I replied, eyeing her. "Oh well, he's just out getting stuff." She told me. I huffed quietly.

"I mean...why do you want to see him?" Claudia asked again, now getting on my nerves a bit. "We're just friends Claudia." I told her, a slight growl in my voice.

"Ya, friends with benefits." She mumbled, just barely under her breath. I started coughing after hearing that, chocking on my own spit. My face turning slightly red. "What do you.. *cough* mean by that?" I asked, nervously looking around. "Oh nothing." She replied, taunting me.

"Oh but he'll be back soon. At least I'm pretty sure he will." Claudia said softly. I smiled a bit, then sat down on a chair, now properly examining this room.

"We were lucky to be speared by king Ezran. After hearing what you...said, that day. He believed you, and showed us didn't mean what you said...did you?" She asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

"No! Of course not!" I replied, kind of sad that she thought that what I said was true. "I said it so they would be more kind to you all." I continued to speak. I sighed again "I'm sorry if you thought otherwise." I mumbled, mostly to myself.

"It's a nice place." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

Leola curled up next to me, resting. I hugged her gently.

"I don't care for revenge anymore more. I may be hurt, but as long as I have her...I'll always be fine." I thought, slightly closing my eyes.


Word count: 1207

Chapter two is done, nice 👍. Not much to say again, thanks for reading...I guess.

See you next chapter, hopefully at least.


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