Mindmentor (Chapters 10 and 11)

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[Beginning of chapters 10 and 11 of Mindmentor]

Altair: Alright then. 

(As soon as President Biden hangs up the call, Altair appears before him in his suit, ready for whatever task President Biden asks of him) 

President Biden: Well then, let's get to the point. 

I need you to locate this group known as “The Shadow Circle”

They have been terrorizing our cities and my troops aren't capable of handling them, so I think this should be your first mission to prove your strength. 

Altair: Alright, where are they at now? 

President Biden: We've tracked them down and they are currently in London. 

(President Biden then tells him the exact coordinates and Altair keeps it in mind) 

Altair: Right then, I'll be on my way.

President Biden: Good luck, Mindmentor. 

(Altair waves before seemingly disappearing, reappearing in the sky, soaring in the wind, splitting the clouds apart as he flies through them) 

(It takes him about 30 seconds to actually travel to London from Washington DC by him flying) 

(He arrives in the bustling city of London, then checking the coordinates and going to the exact location) 

(He is then greeted with the sight of a tall dark building, seems to be made of pitch-black bricks, but it has a fancy exterior, he opens the door, stepping through) 

(As he steps through the door, he notices it is pitch-black dark in the room, he takes another step and a lightbulb flickers, turning on, revealing 3 men with black capeline hats, sitting at a table, however there are no chairs) 

(Altair then walks forward, still confused as to how they're sitting down perfectly and comfortably with no chairs) 

(Their faces are not seen, as if the shadows within the dark room had consumed half of their faces, their eyes aren't even showing, but that's because they have sunglasses on, but why would you have sunglasses on in a dark room?) 

Altair: Hey, I see y'all over there, can I talk to y'all for a second? 

The 3 Concealed Men: … 

Altair: I know you can understand me, and I know you hear me, hello? 

One Of The Concealed Men: Quiet, this is not a place for you, leave or you will be sentenced to death. 

Altair: I take it that y'all are the “Shadow Circle”? 

(This triggers them, the door behind Altair closes shut, with black smoke around the doorknob, as Altair notices this, one of the men lunge toward him like a leapfrog) 

(Altair catches him in mid-air, grabbing him by his skull and throwing him, but as soon as he does throw him, the man turns into black smoke, blending in with his surroundings, he then tries to go behind Altair and strike him in the back) 

(Altair predicts this with his intuition and turns around, delivering a elbow to his face, shattering his jaw into pieces, so then the man falls back) 

One of The Concealed Men: Shit, Eko! 

Eko(the man with the smoke powers) : Alright then, I see how we play. 

(He suddenly then disappears) 

One of The Concealed Men: Since you're going to die anyway, I'll tell you who we are

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