Chapter 68: New Tricks

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A few months after the whole curse issue Bryson Coldwater found himself staring up at a very annoyingly tall tree. At the very top of the tree was Coni Pinop the formerly divine pixie, now regular pixie floating above holding a flag.

After the whole event, Coni was officially living with the Coldwaters, with Bryson being responsible for it. So far the months that have followed seemed rather normal. No new strange occurrences happening. Everyone for the most part kept quiet and kept on life as normal. Aside from the one small issue, which was that everyone seemed much more concerned with Bryson. Much to his annoyance.

"Come on Lord Bryson, you have this!" She called down to him.

"Easy for you to say." Bryson muttered as craned his neck upwards, "Isn't this a bit extreme?" He yelled upwards.

"You're eleven now! You need to start learning some of the better tricks."

"This feels a bit more than a simple trick." Bryson called back up.

"Yeah, but it's very useful! Didn't you say you wanted to learn this?"

"Not exactly like this!"

"Don't worry! Florence is here and everything!" She assured.

Bryson looked over to his side to see Florence standing next to him. She emotionlessly nodded her head in acknowledgment.

"This actually makes me less confident." Bryson said staring at the medical bag Florence was holding. It was somehow larger than the one she usually carries.

"It's just a precaution." Florence said, moving the bag so that her body covered some of it.

"There shouldn't be a need for precautions." Bryson grumbled.

"Lord Bryson, you can do this! Primrose says you're ready!"

Bryson scowled up at the pixie. How is this the easiest way to learn teleportation? Couldn't there be something easier? He thought.

The spell he was trying to learn was in the grand schemes of teleportation and conveyance magic in general, was rather simple. Have a line of sight and move from one place to another near the original location. There were various methods and small variations in casting this spell commonly known as 'Flash Step."

As the name suggests, it is a spell that gets the caster from one place to another in a flash. It was a spell that many talented conveyance casters used in their repertoire, for it could take an individual or even two a short distance away. However, therein lay the problem. Conveyance-type magic tended to be for the experienced and talented magicians; Not every caster could get into this study even if they wanted. And currently, Bryson had to do what these older more experienced magic users do, plus not plummet down a tree while attempting to.

"How do you even know that I can do this spell?" Bryson asked in a feeble attempt to avoid this test.

In his defence, it wasn't a completely ridiculous thing to say. This was his first attempt at conveyance magic at this level and it was rare for people to be able to cast every type of magic. Even fewer with more than one specialization. There was just something in mastering one of the different magics that made it difficult to master others after it.

The more magics someone wanted to learn the harder the next type to study would be. The level of mastery also varied from person to person, through various means. Some were able to gain their talents hereditarily, others simply learned it and some reasons were, simply unexplained magical ones.

Entire families might only be able to learn one type of magic or be unable to learn a certain type. Coldwaters for example had no aptitude for any type of real healing magic other than basic enhancement magic. Bryson was unsure what magics Gareth knew, but both Sable and Gilles lacked the ability to become proper magic users, hence why they relied on weaponry. Bryson also knew that only his mother had any conveyance magic abilities to speak of. Which was why this more extreme method was set up.

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