Learning Etiquette?

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Dimitrios's P.O.V.

Dimitrios: "I don't want to let you go..."

Melina: "......Then don't?...."

She snuggles into my arms even more. Squeezing my left bicep with both of her hands, and peering up at me curiously.

Melina: "It probably has everything to do with that vision, but now I can tell that the other three are searching for us... I feel...connected?.."

My clawed fingers subconsciously combing through her Auburn-brown hair. Snuggling her small head into my palm, soft, full, pink lips tilted up at me-slightly opened. One eye focused on my lips... My face curiously leaning in closer and closer until-

Ranni: "Melina? Are you with Dimitrios?"

My right ear twitching from The Lunar Princesses presence quickly approaching. I slowly pull away, swallowing thickly. Melina's head slumping back into my chest, her one eye staring at me in a mocking tease-slowly drooping shut. Breathing peacefully...falling into a deep sleep....I blink......don't tempt me like that again sweet Maiden...

Melina: "Mmm...here..."

Through the tall grass, Princess Ranni's head pops through. Golden eyes, vibrant red hair, and a beautiful complexion gazes down at the two of us.....your hair and skin were colored blue in the vision...

Dimitrios: "Hello."

A small hesitant smile on her lips.

Ranni: "As Royal blood, I don't know how to feel about....this... the discovery of your existence altered all of our potential futures..."

Dimitrios: "An Omen promised as your consort....to be shared?... I've already spoken with Melina about this...m-maybe one Maiden-"

Ranni: "No need."

Dimitrios: "....None of you want to hear of my one Maiden plea, will you?"

Ranni: ".....That sword you held? Four Queens presiding over the Lands Between, an era of true peace under our joint protection....nothing rots from the shadows... The only thing hidden being your true strength in the....future version of yourself?.... What adversity did thee have to face in order to acquire such strength, hmm?..."

Her hand gently reaches out, scratching underneath my chin before fully grabbing at my facial hair.

Dimitrios: "But the current me-mm.~"

She buries her fingers further into the matted hair.

Ranni: "You're just fine, the position thee has found himself in is advantageous. Queen Mother's sponsorship-though.....it showed me that you did not have direct links to the Golden Order, but as a mercenary for hire."

I get to prance this idea around Malenia again and hope she doesn't find a collar and leash to bind me to her side.

Queen Rennala: "Are the lot of you in the foliage?"

She pulls away from me, though my grip rests firmly on her elbow. She looks down at me, eyes drifting to a sleeping Melina with a mix of jealousy and envy, ultimately shaking her head, I slowly let go of her arm.

Ranni: "Yes Mother."

I stand, Melina's sleeping figure still tucked into my arms. Following Ranni out of the shrubs to find the entire entourage there....My Auburn-headed Lady sighs in my arms with satisfaction......what compromising spots I continue to find myself in...

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