The elevator opened, everyone ran off.. well mostly everyone, scraps walked a bit slowly. She hasn't seen her brother in a while and who knows if his actually okay right no, for all she could know he could be dead all ready.
Scraps walked though the room carefully but never the less slowly, she went to go work on a machine, shortly after this Flutter shows up since she didn't join Flutter like last time, Flutter just waited for her to finish the machine but it was clear that Flutter was upset at seeing this, for someone who couldn't speak to others she need to find other ways to express how she feels. Once Scraps finished working on the machine she turned around and saw though the glass a twisted Goob, something hurt, her pupils became smaller, she just stared, Flutter was trying to get her to move, yet nothing was working, twisted Goob came close. Flutter knew she couldn't escape from his grasp if they got to close, she hid. Ichor poured out all over the floor, Flutter stared in stocked, she felt horrible. Before she has a chance to do anything the elevator panic noise goes off she rushes to the elevator.
The elevator closed, everyone looked around for scraps bud became quite silence at the realization of what had happened. The door opened.
(Team A, Now)
Everyone went their own ways but pebble is heard whining before a loud cracking sound is heard, Pebble was gone, everyone else started to panic and try to finish the floor as soon as possible, Sprout started running around for a machine not paying attention as well as trying to not to lose his mind after what had just happened to Cosmo but he ran into twisted Cosmo, he froze, staring at his best friend. The twisted came closer and closer, sprout smiled but was attacked by twisted pebble, ichor poured out onto the floor, onto twisted Cosmo.
Shelly was working on a machine she felt scared like never before, once she finished she turned around and saw twisted Shelly and Pebble, her eyes teared up.
"VEE?!? ASTRO!" She yelled, she was crying now. "TISHA!?!! PLEASE.." Shelly yelled so loud that it felt like everyone could hear her, twisted Tisha slowly walked over cutting Shelly only way out, she seemed relieved in a way, she was sobbing but rises her hands up as she allowed twisted Tisha to 'hug' her...
Vee dragged Astro over to a giant box, she pulled in opened and pushed Astro into, as she closed it she said something to Astro.
"I'll let you know when it's safe to come out.. just stay there.. I need to find Shelly.." Vee, closed the box without a second thought, it was dark, Astro quickly fell asleep, a loud noise could be heard as if glass and metal was breaking. Astro was alone.
Over Drive (Dandy World au)
Ужасы3 different teams all must survive from twisteds, there is no going back up any time soon, after pushing dandy to his limit, everything goes into OVER DRIVE.