The Last Call

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We were all warned it would happen, slowly trickling in from the crevices ofunderground sources. But none of us cared, like sheep waiting to be taken to theslaughter, we all continued perusing throughout our day as we lifted up certainindividuals into such positions of power, that we became nothing but pawns tothem, while they stood high and mighty in their ivory towers as they looked downat us like gods. 

Playing their games in the shadows, they tinkered with all of ourlives, tinkered so much that finally the system we all lived in simply just snapped.For some, it happened just as they were going through their day, for others ithappened without any warning as they were blissfully asleep in their beds. 

Hellfirestarted raining down upon the Earth, as two people, each of them set on oppositesides of the hemisphere, led the charge with their cronies right behind them as theytook the lives of billions of people into the palms of their hands, and simply washedaway all responsibility of them with the push of a single button. One action, onesolitary moment, that is all that was needed to bring down everything thathumanity had built in over two thousand years, all wiped away .... and all that wasleft were the unlucky survivors. 

Governments fell, cities were obliterated, order was no more, and chaos now wasthe true ruler of this land. As a result of all of this, the majority of humanity ... whatwas left of it anyway, allowed their primal urges to take over. Groups of savagesformed and each of them took a sliver of land which they called their own. 

Fromthen on, skirmishes and battles happened regularly as one group always tried totake from the other. But if you paid attention to the wording I used before, theword "majority" is an important one ... because even though the number was muchless, there were some that did not want to partake in that life of barbarity. Somewanted to try and go on with their lives as normally as they could within this newworld order. 

To those some, I was their leader. I did not choose this position, nordid I go after it but it is just how things ended up being. Maybe it's my past militaryexperience, maybe it's my leadership abilities, or maybe it's because I am the onlyone who did not buck at it when asked. 

I tried my best for years to protect all thosewithin our little community. We had built and cultivated a land of our own, whichwe were all proud to call our home. We developed it, we protected it, and it wasours. For a long time, things flowed as how you would expect, we had to do a lot ofthings to stay alive, and we had to fight ... sometimes every day to keep what littlewe had for our own. But it's thanks to those struggles that some of us came outstronger, while others ... well others, had a totally different effect.

One day we were out walking across the road, going to scout a food store we hadon our maps hoping to scavenge whatever we could find. Then out of nowhere,bullets started raining down on us. Me, Amy, Freya, James, and William, all ranscattering for cover. We hid behind abandoned cars and street signs as we werebeing fired upon with no break in sight. We tried to return fire but we might as wellhave been shooting at ghosts.

"Can you see where they are?" Shouted James to me.

"NO! Throw down some cover fire for me so I can take a look." 

And that is what they did, as they returned fire I snuck around to the right to see if Icould spot where they were shooting from. Thankfully I did. I crawled my way back tothem and relayed what I saw. 

"North-East, up on that ridge. I saw three muzzle flashes all lined up near eachother."

"How are we gonna take them out from here then?" Yelled James to me. 

"I'll tell you what we are going to do. Amy and William are gonna stay here and keepon returning fire. James, Freya, and I are gonna sneak around and use thecover we have to come upon them from both sides. Now get in positions, and onmy mark open fire." 

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