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A long long loooonnnng time a ago, not even bang chan lived at that time, there was a happy and beautiful but also dark and mystic realm. In this realm lived many people, a kingdom was build over time. The kingdom of beauty and flowers, Serenity. It was lead by the family of choi. But not only flowers and light were in this realm, everything had a dark side. The big mountains and dense forest around senerity left no way out or in the beautiful kingdom.

Maybe you would think it was to protect the pure souls of Serenity. But it was the opposite, that's what they say,whoever goes in there or even nears the forest will never be seen again. In the beginning the people tried to withstand and fight so they could cross the forest and mountains, but it was of no use. Slowly the people accepted their fate and decided to leave the forest forever. Over generations they teached their kids not to go to the forest, it was dangerous but kids are kids, they didn't understand and went there anyway. What is the way to prevent this? Lies. They told storys and tales about dragons and beasts living in the forest. Dark creatures who will kill you without mercy. They told them that those creatures attacked them and almost killed them but they managed to survive.

All lies. Yes, maybe there are dragons, but who said they were beasts? Nothing is clear. The maze of lies grew bigger and bigger. And at the end, no one knew the truth. The truth about what lies in the dark forest and mountains. Now back to the story.

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