3. Live Coverage

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He answered. Like he was on the other end of that phone. My mind blank spaced and made me forgetful of words. It has been so long since I have heard his voice I forgot what it sounded like. Never in a moment like this would I find myself tensed up and fearful until now.

"Uh-u- hi" we're the words I managed to get out as I put my hand softly on my forehead.

"Where have you been?" He asked quietly, being far more calm than I was even though I was trying to be.

"Costa Rica for a month and a half and now Brooklyn. I can ask the same from you"

"Costa Rica, and now, Brooklyn" he said. I stopped myself from saying something around the lines of 'lets meet up for coffee.' Meeting up at this moment was completely farcical. The issue was of little moment to me or even to him.

"How long have you liv-"

"I have lived in Brooklyn for 4 months, as much of a small world it is for us to end up in the same place, we haven't once seen each other" he laughed "and I'm never at my loft"

"Yea well I always am at mine" I said trailing off and getting up to walk around my loft. "Between work and corresponding with relatives and friends as to where how they have been, I am completely doused with my ethics"
We continued to ramble on about New York life and how we were both doing. I found myself walking from my small balcony to my front door conversing with Owen over the phone. Owen explained he was working at a night club on the weekends and during weekdays, he works as a security guard in the mall. Owen complained about how he hadn't rode a motorcycle since we left, all he was riding was a Segway around the mall.
(Ok but just imagine instead of Owen riding a motorcycle with the raptors, he rode a Segway)

"Saying sorry is an understatement but it was never my intention to lose you, as I bet it wasn't yours" he had a very mellow tone

"I looked for you Owen" I stopped my wandering to sit down "I called every hotel, every resort, a couple boats, you just weren't there"

Before he could answer I got a beep for an incoming call, it was from Claire.

"You know what Owen, I'm sorry I have to take this call, keep me on stand by please." I said before hanging up. I didn't know what Claire had in store for me now but I guess I will have to find out, I pressed the green button.


"Turn to channel 14 now." she said, I can hear some sort of panic in her voice so I frantically scavenged for my remote. I found on the small coffee table next to me so I, in haste, flipped to channel 14.
Flashing across the scene was in big letters "Military tests in Costa Rican Island backfire"
I was horrors by the news that I forgot I was still on the line with Claire.

"What type of tests are they doing?" I asked not comprehending the news just gawking at the coverage of Isla Nublar where boats and planes were landing/docking there. One by one, more military utility vans were loaded onto vehicle carrier boats.

"Field tests" she paused "since this afternoon all radio signals dispatched to the island were static, and-and I haven't had any contact with Henry, who I put in charge of running everything while I was gone-"

"YOU WHAT" I screamed into the phone with utterly disbelief.

"He was the only one who didn't press charges for the vendetta that WE caused"

"God damn it Claire, just I'm heading up to Manhatten in the morning." I turned off the tv "oh and Owen answered his phone" I hung up.

Isla Nublar is completely being rewired under military control. Any dinosaur left there will be used for a party in war if they can survive through whatever task is waiting for them in an arena against soldiers. I gathered all of the information to get my facts straight and I called up Owen.

A/N I'm sorry that this book has already been moving at a really fast pace. I'm trying to go into detail as best as I can but when I get an idea I just want to jump straight to that-so my apologies !!

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