Chapter 3; Dine and Deal

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Your conversation gets interrupted at its peak by echoing footsteps. You both look at the direction of the door. It sounds like expensive leather shoes on tile. The door locks click open and Vince enters, with the usual evil grin. His well-built physique could barely be contained in this three-piece suit. "I'm glad you two are getting along so well." As he enters the room, you resist the urge to grit your teeth or roll your eyes at his obnoxious smile. Instead, you fix him with a cool stare, unimpressed by his attempt at intimidation. "I was just asking about my circumstances," you say, your tone flat. Seraphine stiffens at his arrival, immediately switching to a more professional demeanor. "Brother, I was just about to inform you that our guest has been quite cooperative and forthcoming with information. Not that you had anything prepared to ask beforehand." Vince chuckles, walking around the room to stand in front of you. "Ah, I see." You feel your heart rate increase as Vince's eyes bore into you. He leans in close, his breath warm against your ear as he whispers, "I guess I wasn't needed here. You see, my dear boy, the problem with lying is that it's so easy to catch. And I'm rather good at it." You start laughing at his futile attempt of intimidation. All your fear vanished instantly. You wipe a tear, and see him retract slowly, waiting for your explanation to what's so humorous. "Truth serum, human lie detectors... I'm guessing you've got a history of uncooperative captives or backstabbed by the people you thought you could trust". Seraphine looks away, melancholic. Vince's face darkens at your lucky accurate analysis. "So, you're one of those punks who thinks they're smarter than everyone else?" He asks, taking a step back and crossing his arms. "I'm afraid you're in for a rude awakening." You sigh, ending the ribbing. "You've got it all wrong. You've been using the wrong strategies on me since day one. Restraints, drugs, torture, starvation, and extracting truths through forced means?" You stop to change your facial expression, staring back at Vince with predatory fierceness the siblings never expected to come from you. Both starting to sweat at the abrupt change in demeanor. "I'm offended that you're comparing me to the filth you've been associating with" You watch, unblinking, as Vince's face turns a violent shade of red. Everything he's thrown at you was his pride and expertise, down the drain. His power trip has abruptly stopped with just your mere presence. "You insolent little shit," he spits, taking a menacing step towards you, his arm ready to deliver a backhanded slap. But before he can do anything else, Seraphine steps between the two of you, her voice firm yet respectful. "Brother, please." Vince stops on his tracks, and calms himself down, taking a deep breath to control his anger. "Fine," he says through clenched teeth. "But understand this, boy: I will have my way with you eventually. And when I do, you won't be able talk back like that ever again." He turns and storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Unamused, you turn your attention to Seraphine, catching her breath. Your chest tightens at the sight of her unease. She doesn't look like she can order her brother like that often. You try to break the awkward silence. "I'm sorry. If I knew you'd stand between us, i wouldn't have let my mouth run like that." Seraphine looks at you, surprised by your apology. "It's alright. He's always been like this. He'll be fine once he's cooled off." she says with a small smile. "But I appreciate the consideration". You smile back, grateful for her understanding. Despite your situation, it's refreshing to find someone who can maintain their composure under pressure. "Can we continue our conversation some other time? You still look a bit shaken up." She nods, her expression softening. "Yes, of course. I'd prefer that." She takes a deep breath and straightens her back, regaining her confident demeanor. "You seem to have a way with words, Sterling. I'd like to know more about you." You're taken aback, flustered red at that last bit. She notices and gives a small smile. Before you could respond, she turns away and heads for the door. "Don't get into any more trouble while I'm away, ok?" she says before locking the door behind her. You watch her go, a mix of emotions swirling in your chest. On one hand, you're grateful for her understanding and willingness to listen to you. On the other, you can't shake the feeling that she's your only lifeline from being beaten to a bloody pulp. You shouldn't exploit this angelic voice of reason often. At the end of the day, her allegiance is to her family.

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