Chapter 16: Fractured Allegiances

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Two days had passed since the mercenaries' assault on the Ruo Clan, and within the grand halls of the Tian Clan's stronghold, an uneasy calm prevailed.

Tian Kuo sat in his private quarters, reviewing reports and the occasional letter when a messenger entered, bowing deeply. "A letter has arrived for you, Lord Tian Kuo. It bears the seal of the Ruo Clan."

The sound of the Ruo Clan's name immediately drew Tian Kuo's attention. His fingers tightened around the scroll he had been holding, and his heart quickened. Ever since their brief encounter at the festival, Ruo Xuan had never left his thoughts, and any correspondence from him, no matter the subject, stirred something deep within. However, as he took the letter from the messenger and opened it, his expression quickly changed from curiosity to shock.

As Tian Kuo's eyes skimmed the contents, disbelief surged through him. Ruo Jian... dead? The former leader of the Ruo Clan murdered by mercenaries, and worse—the culprit suspected to be from the Tian Clan? He re-read the letter, as though expecting the words to change, but the accusation stood.

His mind reeled as he slumped back into his chair, clutching the letter. Ruo Xuan... he must be devastated. But now, not only had he lost his father, but the blame had fallen squarely on Tian Kuo's clan. Ruo Xuan must despise me even more, Tian Kuo thought bitterly. And why wouldn't he? After their argument so many years ago and now this... His hands clenched around the parchment as he struggled to contain the surge of emotions.

How could this have happened? His clan had no involvement in such treachery, and yet the Ruo Clan had found a symbol that undeniably linked the attack to them. There must be some mistake, some manipulation, he thought frantically.

His chest tightened as he imagined the sorrow etched on Ruo Xuan's face, though he wouldn't have seen his father's body. Still, the pain of the loss would be written into every line of his once-sharp features. Ruo Xuan... you don't deserve this.

Tian Kuo's resolve hardened. He would do everything in his power to prove the Tian Clan's innocence, to clear their name, if only to lessen the hatred Ruo Xuan must surely feel. I must make him see the truth, he thought, standing abruptly.

Without hesitation, Tian Kuo summoned his most trusted advisors and investigators, laying the letter on the table before them.

"The Ruo Clan suspects us of orchestrating the murder of their leader, Ruo Jian," he said, his voice as sharp as steel. "I want a full investigation. Every troop, every soldier, every mercenary in this region—no stone is to be left unturned. We need to prove our innocence, not just to the Ruo Clan, but to Ruo Xuan himself."

His advisors exchanged worried glances but quickly nodded, recognizing the gravity of the situation. One of his most loyal captains stepped forward. "We'll begin immediately, my Lord. But... if I may ask, why are you so personally invested in clearing this matter? The Ruo Clan's suspicions could be handled diplomatically. Why does this seem... urgent to you?"

Tian Kuo's gaze flickered, his jaw tightening. He couldn't tell them the real reason, the truth he had kept buried for so many years. Because I love him. Because I can't let him hate me any more than he already does.

But all he said was, "The peace between our clans depends on it."

As his advisors and investigators hurried to begin their work, Tian Kuo remained behind, staring at the letter again. He could see Ruo Xuan's cold distance, could feel the chill of the anger behind those words. The letter was formal, direct, but he knew there was pain behind it—pain that tore at his own heart as well.

Tian Kuo couldn't afford to lose Ruo Xuan again—not like this. Not to a misunderstanding that might shatter their already fragile connection.

Turning on his heel, Tian Kuo strode from the room, determination burning in his chest. I will find the truth, Ruo Xuan. I will not allow this shadow of suspicion to tear us apart further.

But deep inside, he feared it might already be too late.

Tian Kuo paced the length of his quarters, mind racing as he considered how best to respond. Ruo Xuan must be in unimaginable pain right now, and the thought of him believing that Tian Kuo—or worse, his entire clan—was behind such a treacherous act was unbearable. He couldn't let the tension between their clans escalate into something irreversible.

With a decisive breath, he sat down at his desk, pulling out a sheet of fine parchment. His hand hovered over the ink brush for a moment, unsure how to convey the storm of emotions raging within him. This letter would need to be carefully worded—both for diplomacy's sake and because it was Ruo Xuan on the receiving end.

How can I ease your pain? How can I make you see that I had no part in this?

Finally, he dipped the brush in ink, his movements swift yet deliberate.

To Ruo Xuan, Leader of the Ruo Clan,

It is with great sorrow that I received word of the death of your father, Ruo Jian. As former leader of your noble clan, he was a respected figure, and his passing is a grievous loss not only to your people, but to the balance of peace we both sought to preserve.

I write to express my deepest condolences. I can only imagine the weight of this burden you must now carry. Though words may do little to comfort you in this dark time, know that I grieve with you.

The news that mercenaries were behind this attack is disturbing, but even more unsettling is the revelation that a symbol linking the Tian Clan was found upon the body of one of the culprits. I want to make it absolutely clear, neither I nor my clan had any knowledge of or involvement in such a heinous act.

As Leader of the Tian Clan, I vow to personally oversee the investigation into who was truly responsible. I will leave no stone unturned in my pursuit of justice for your father. Whoever has orchestrated this attack will be found and held accountable, and I will not rest until we have the truth.

I hope that in time, this investigation will bring clarity, and that it may help ease the anger I know you must feel toward me and my clan.

May you find some solace during this time of mourning. I await any further correspondence from you.

Tian Kuo, Leader of the Tian Clan

Tian Kuo carefully sealed the letter, his mind buzzing with unspoken words. There was so much more he wished he could say—so much more he wanted Ruo Xuan to understand. But this was not the time for confessions or old wounds. The situation was far too delicate.

"Deliver this to the Ruo Clan immediately," Tian Kuo instructed as he handed the letter to a trusted messenger. "Ensure it is placed directly into the hands of Leader Ruo Xuan."

The messenger bowed deeply before leaving with haste. Tian Kuo stared after him for a moment before returning to his desk. The air felt heavy with unease.

No matter what the investigation revealed, Tian Kuo knew one thing: This letter may not be enough. There was an ever-widening chasm between him and Ruo Xuan, one that even his sincerest efforts to mend might not bridge.

But still, he hoped—hoped that somehow, Ruo Xuan might believe him. Might see that, despite everything that had transpired between them, his intentions were true.

With a sigh, Tian Kuo leaned back, staring out the window. He could only wait now—for word from Ruo Xuan, and for the truth to come to light.

And perhaps, somewhere deep down, he waited for a glimmer of hope that they might find a way back to one another.

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