When Kenzo enter the Karaoke with Troy while purchasing the room for a place to sing while hanging out that the worker lady gives out the key to Kenzo while Kenzo walks with Troy to enter the room he purchased while noticing other people who has friends along the way in their room where they chat with each other and sing or there some couples who are singing love songs to together. When Kenzo enter the room with Troy while Troy begin to sit on the Karaoke couch. Troy begin to mumble, "I...am...not....good....at...singing....though..." Troy said while keep thinking. That Kenzo begin to say, "Maybe if you try then you could sing. You know when you improve singing in growth and experience you could become a good singer. It just takes time to sing and know your knowledge about singing. Just like an other hobbies. Like my best buddy Wart first suck at soccer since he wasn't good at it first but when he begin to improving on kicking the ball multiple times and chat with his friends to help him out he begins to improve on his kicking skills and being aware of his surroundings while he practice on going fast he could be while learning more about teamwork and passing the ball to his friends to have fun and win. So in other words, when you practice a lot even if you suck at it, you could be good at it when you improve it more. Just like any other hobbies and knowledge you come up with to learn more about hobbies you have you could be good and popular as well like famous singers or famous rapper or famous chef even though they have history with it like a family traditional way or they have talent on it they still need to work hard to make their own things that comes with it. So whenever you suck at singing, keep trying to improve and maybe you someday be good at singing one day." Kenzo said while giving Troy an advice that made Troy feel happy about it while he continues to slightly blush about it. Kenzo never gives anyone advice before since usually Wart the one who gives him a lot of advices that Kenzo could learn. So it made Kenzo feel more confident even though it was the magical Fairy dust that made him confident in the first place, still Kenzo feels happy about it. When Kenzo turn the Tv on with a remote control while looking at songs to pick. He wonder what Troy favorite songs are. That Kenzo begins to ask Troy, "What's your favorite song you like to sing about." Kenzo said while feeling more curious about Troy. Troy thinks about it while saying, "Probably....c-classic music or b-b-ballerina.... music. It kinda..... my f-f-favorite music..... since it is....w-whimsical.... and c-c-creative..... that I like..... to.... e-enjoy." Troy said while keep stuttering while answering Kenzo question. Kenzo doesn't mind while begin to say, "Mine is probably be Chinese music or something that has a deep meaning and purpose to it. While is different music I like to listen to than other same music I always been listening to like Korean music, Japanese music, or Pop music really." Kenzo said while feeling happy to get to know more about Troy while feeling curious about Troy's dad letters that Troy has on his hand. Kenzo thinks while begin to say, "Can I ask you about the letters you had if you want to tell me about it?" Kenzo said while feeling little more bold to ask about Troy personal life even though he knows he still met Troy today, Kenzo still can't help it since he is still more curious about Troy life. Troy thinks while he grab his dad letter from his backpack that he open the backpack up while grabbing his dad letter that he doesn't mind telling Kenzo. "I-If... onl-ly i-if.... y-you....k-k-keep.... I-it... a-a... s-secret..." Troy said while opening his dad letters that he begin to read about how his dad missed him and wonder what have Troy been doing his life since his dad want to know more about him. Troy feels sad while still thinking about writing letters back to his dad of how his day been going in his life and let dad know about some things about his life. Kenzo feel more curious about Troy life that he wonder if he should be more bold about it or keep it to himself since usually asking people personal life when he met today is kinda of a big no no to Kenzo since he always keep to himself even if he is curious about things. But since he has a fairy dust magical on, he begins to be more confident and bold about it. Kenzo begins to speak while being careful about it, "So is your dad overseas working or something like that..." Kenzo said while scratching back of his neck while asking him a personal question towards Troy. Troy thinks about it while looking at Kenzo while thinking that Troy knows Kenzo is being considerate of Troy feelings which made Troy feel happy about it. That Troy begin to speak, "Please-e... don-nt-t... t-tell.... anyon-ne-e.... a-about... this-s... b-b-but.... my-y... mom-m... divorce-e-d-d.... m-my.... da-ad... long-g...t-time... ago-o... whe-en-n... I-I-I....was-s.... a-a... youn-ng-g... boy-y. So-o... it-t... jus-st-t... m-me... an-nd... mo-om... living-g... i-in.... our-r.... own-n.... hom-me... eve-en... thougg-h... my-y... mo-om... i-is... w-working... a-a... lot-t... a-as... the-e... n-nurse... in-n... t-the... h-hospita-al, I-I... h-help... m-my.... mom-m... o-out... when-n.... sh-he... want-t... th-he... hom-me... to-o... be-e... clea-an... or-r... m-me... cookin-ng... some-e... f-food.... for-r.... m-myself... and-d... for-r.... h-her. My-y... mo-om... littl-le.... b-bit... strict-t... on-n.... t-things... so-o.... I-I... try-y... to-o... i-impress... h-her... with-h... m-my.... g-grades.... which-h.. is-s... a-always... A-A... p-plus.. that-t... I-I.... keep-p... i-improving... or-r... be-e.... responsib-ble-e for-r... my-y.... own-n.... things-s.... and-d.... have-e... a-a... good-d.... r-reputation-n... i-in... s-school... ev-ven... thoug-gh... I-I... am-m... more-e... a-a... loner-r... an-nd... o-outcast... a-at... least-t... I-I... do-o... w-well.... i-in.... s-school.... a-and... focus-s.... o-on.... mor-re.... of-f... my-y... s-studies....so-o... my-y.... mo-om.... would-d.... be-e.... proud-d.... of-f.... me-e... since-e... I-I... never-r... wan-nt... to-o... make-e.... her-r.... angry-y... a-at... all-l... an-nd... m-make... h-her... happy-y. She-e... i-is... m-m-might.... be-e... strict-t... o-on.... things-s... b-but... she-e.... just-t.... want-t... th-he.... b-b-best.... of-f... me-e... s-s-so... I-I...gr-r-rateful-l.... t-to.... have-e.... h-her.... i-in... m-my.... l-life.... a-and... I-I do-o... get-t.... along-g.... w-with.... he-er.... we-ell... even-n... though-h.... she-e... is-s... bu-usy... a-at...s-some... times-s.... i-in.... work-k.... thoug-gh... t-that... I-I.... can't-t.... se-e-e... hhhher.... aaaat.... mmmuch.... tttthough. Mmmy.... ddddad... iiis... ooopposite.... offf... myyy.... mommm.... t-t-that... l-l-let.... mmme have-e f-fun... a-and... dddo.... t-things... I-I... w-want... while-e... heee supports-s... meee... ooon.... ttthings... I-I... could-d.... d-do.... like-e... gggoing... ou-ut... t-to... the-e.... m-movies... o-or... b-buy.... s-some.... classic-c-c.... m-music.. i-in t-the.... m-music.... s-shop, or-r.... doing-g.... s-s-something-g.... t-that.... i-is... fffun.... l-like.... ppplaying.... f-f-fun.... b-b-board..... g-games.... or-r... take-e... mmme.... to-o-o....art-t.... c-class.... t-t-that.... I-I.... h-have.... fun-n.... iiin.... w-which.... art-t...es-specially.... p-painting.... iiis.... m-my.... hhhobby.... I-I.... a-always.... love-e.... to-o.... do-o. But-t... mmmy... p-parents..... g-got.... d-d-divorced.. because-e.... my-y.... mom-m.... d-disapprove-e.. o-of daddd... nnnot..... g-going.... ttto.... work-k.... t-that... he-e.... a-always.... stay-y.... hom-me.... aaand n-never.... c-cleans.... at-t.... a-all, d-disapprove.... of-f... mmme.... havinggg.... f-f-fun.... w-w-when..... I-I.. should-d.... bbbe.... studying-g... or-r... cleaning-g... t-the.... h-home, a-and.... just-t.... l-lying.... to-o... her-r.... that-t.... he-e.... is-s.... t-taking.... me-e... out-t... to-o... go-o-o... to-o.... j-just.... tutor-r... school-l-l... w-w-where.... I-I-I.... l-learn... m-more.. education-n... w-w-when.... i-i-in.... r-reality.... h-he taking-g... me-e... t-to... go-o.... t-to.... f-fun... ppplaces... like-e.... g-going... to-o-o.... the-e-e... iiice cream-m s-shop... to-o-o... g-get... mint-t... i-ice cream-m... or-r.... w-w-watching.... f-fantasy... movies-s... t-that... I-I-I... l-love... to-o-o.... w-watch. I-I.. a-always... e-enjoy... h-hanging.... out-t... wwwith... my-y... dad-d.... more-e... t-t-than... my-y mommm to-o be-e... h-honest.... c-considering-g hhhe... let-t... m-me... g-g-go.... to-o-o... f-f-fun... ooor.... c-c-cool.... p-p-places... a-and.... a-a-always s-showing... m-me.... w-w-where.... the-e... f-f-fun.... at-t-t... but-t... my-y... m-mom.... d-didn't... reallyyy like-e... it-t-t... a-a-at... all-l... t-they... b-begin.... tooo... s-start.... a-arguing... a-a-and... k-keep... aaarguing.... a-a-about.... t-things... a-and.... a-about me-e... that-t... it-t-t.... g-get.... w-w-where... t-the...p-point.... t-they... get-t.... dddivorced. Anddd...hhhow.... myyy.... mommm.... tttake.... cccustody... ooof... meee.... t-that.... w-was... l-last... t-t-time... I-I learned-d.... h-how.... t-to... hav-ve.... f-f-fun.... t-that I-I-I.... a-am.... m-more.... into-o.... e-education, s-studying... and-d.... cl-leaning-g.... a-and.... cccooking... t-that.... my-y.... m-mom.... want-t... mmme to-o... d-do. But-t... my-y.... dad-d... g-g-give me-e... letters-s... t-t-towards.... me-e... to-o-o... sssee.... h-h-how... I-I-I... a-a-m.... d-doing.... e-even though-h... my-y.... mom-m... doesn't-t.... want-t...me-e.... to-o-o.... sssee.... myyy.... daddd.... aaanymore.... thattt.... I-I-I.... don't-t.... know-w.... w-w-what.... to-o.... do-o..... s-since..... I-I.... want-t to-o-o.... v-visit..... my-y-y.... d-dad.... but-t-t.... I-I-I don't-t... want-t-t.... my-y-y.... m-mom.... to-o-o... bbbe.... angry-y..... a-at....m-me.... s-s-so.... I-I-I... just-t... k-keep.... g-giving.... l-letters... tooo... dddad so-o... we-e... could-d... have-e... a-a... s-secret.... tttalk.... to-o... each-h-h... other-r... e-even.... ttthough.... d-dad... m-most... busy-y-y... o-on...hhhis... life-e... considering-g.... he-e.... need-d......to-o.... take-e.... care-e.... about-t.... which-h-h... place-e-e.... tooo.... sssleep, having-g... a-a-a... job-b to-o-o..... pay-y-y..... the-e..... rent-t-t.... a-and... bbbills.... t-t-that.... m-my.... d-dad.... i-i-is.... bbbusy all-l... t-t-the.... time-e... b-b-but.... h-h-he.... s-s-still send-d... me-e... letters-s-s.... t-though. So-o... myyy mom-m.... doesn't-t... k-k-know.... a-a-about.... myyy dad-d... letters-s-s... a-at.... a-all.... b-b-because.... iiif she-e... did-d.... g-g-get.... angry-y... at-t-t... m-m-me and-d... tear-r... t-t-the.... l-l-letters.... a-a-apart... ooor.... m-made... m-me.... h-have... more-e... eeextra... e-e-education.... to-o-o.... l-learn... o-on. Ssso, I-I.... never-r... had-d.... friends, and-d.... I-I always-s... k-k-keep.... i-it.... s—s-secret.... t-to... dddad.... w-w-with.... l-letters... s-s-so.... I-I.... aaam gladdd.... m-m-my.... m-mom.... d-doesn't.... k-know at-t.... a-all. AAAnd.... she-e.... d-doesn't... k-know... I-I.... a-am.... in-n.... k-k-karaoke.... w-w-with.... yyyou.... s-since.... she-e.... t-thinks... I-I.... aaam fffocusing.... o-o-on.... my-y.... s-studies... at-t... hhhome.... or-r.... c-cleaning.... t-t-the home-e." Troy said while keep stuttering while telling about his personal life and how he feels about it as well. Kenzo who feel curious starting to understand Troy personal life that Kenzo begins to say, "So it is cool that your mom is a nurse that she works at the hospital but it kinda sad your parents got divorced and your mom won't let you see your dad just because she is not happy with him at all. I get that she depends on you a lot like being independent, be responsible on things, and be successful in life but she need to let you have fun for once in a way while not having to deal with education or cooking the food or cleaning your home. At least your dad is cool even though sometimes the opposite of parents don't get along much and just get divorced. But it their own choice and it is never your fault at all. It just they just don't used to love each other more and just different people. At least I show you the fun things like cool places is so the fun won't be last and would still be more fun even if your dad doesn't show you fun things because of your mom. I will show you the fun things but it got to make it a secret though from your mom and I am glad that I learned more about you since I would be your first friend you made along the way. And I am glad to know you more considering I know your favorite hobbies you like to do besides cooking, cleaning, and studying that you have to show me your sketchbook someday." Kenzo said while cheering Troy up that Troy feel appreciated and happy for Kenzo support and can't wait to have memories with his first friend he makes. Kenzo knows that Troy stutters a lot that Kenzo been wondering, "As long it not to rude to ask but why do you stutter a lot?" Troy thinks about Kenzo question while answering it, "Well.... It.... Just-t.... b-because o-of... m-my.... g-grandpa.... g-genetics.... and-d... I-I dddon't.... socialize-e.... with-h.... others-s... t-t-that... I-I.... h-honestly.... s-s-stutter... a-a... l-lot. Most-t... p-p-people.... d-don't.... w-w-want.... t-to talk-k... to-o-o... me-e... b-because... I-I.... ssstutter... a-a.... lot-t.... a-and.... t-t-they.... s-see.... m-m-me...as-s... b-boring.... g-guy.... s-s-so.... t-they.... wwwalk a-away. Ev-ven... i-it... not-t-t... my-y-y... f-f-fault...that-t... i-i-it.... j-just.... h-happens.... s-s-so... I-I...am-m.... g-glad... tooo... f-f-finally.... g-get.... a-a...new-w-w.... f-f-friend.... tooo.... t-talk.... to-o.... aaand... ccchat.... w-w-with." *Kenzo understands Troy while he is happy to make Troy happy so Troy won't have to deal with depressions about things on his own since he has his own friend to cheer him up along the way. Kenzo feel like this how Wart feels when it comes to the old friendship that Wart was one who cheers Kenzo up, and was one who always teases Kenzo whenever the time he had a chance to hangout with Kenzo. So Kenzo gets reminded of the best memories he has with Wart. Also Kenzo was never the type to cheer someone up or give them advices since he never had confidence to talk to someone like Wart does so Kenzo is happy with the Fairy Magical dust so far that Kenzo likes his newer better version of himself. Kenzo pick the classic music with the Chinese song that Troy would like to sing with him since it is a duet song to sing this classic lively Chinese song together. That Kenzo grab Troy hand and give him the microphone that Troy begins to grab while Kenzo grab his own microphone and hold it while Troy who is get out of the couch while approaching the big Tv that Kenzo and Troy begin to sing together while Kenzo doesn't mind singing even though Troy couldn't sing that well that Kenzo who is okay at singing help Troy out with his voice while they both enjoy trying to sing together while enjoying listening to the song. After many hours of singing on different songs, and having fun together, Troy begin to sit on the couch while leaving the microphone on the table. Kenzo begin to look at the snack menu and order some chocolate fudge cake that Kenzo sit near Troy while Kenzo could sorta relate to Troy in some ways like being nervous and shy even though Troy is more the creative serious nerd type, Kenzo more just average guy who tries to get through his life peacefully while enjoying his wish of his desires of being the best cool guy he could be while being the fun cool type of guy instead of the shy boring type of guy that Kenzo prefer to be. Kenzo likes music but not as hobby though that Kenzo just pick out new things to try and enjoy while not really having an hobby at all. When Troy chatted with Kenzo about painting and one of his hobbies he loves to talk about, Kenzo begin to be more bold that Kenzo starts to flirt with Troy that Kenzo doesn't care Troy is a guy since Kenzo is a bisexual dude. So Kenzo continues to flirt with him while getting closer to him that Kenzo put his arm to Troy shoulders while he begin to kiss Troy neck and suck on it. Troy who was talking about painting that he feels Kenzo tongue that Troy blushes hardly while he stand up. Troy begin to say," What-t.... Are-e-e... you-u... d-doing?" Troy said while holding his hand on to his neck while he continues to blush a lot since he never expected a guy doing that to me especially a friend who was nice to him at all. Kenzo realizes he was being bold about it even though he moved on his own without even thinking about things that Kenzo begin to blush while noticing how Troy wipe the saliva on his neck. Kenzo usually never act like to someone especially when they are cute or hot that Kenzo would always think before doing anything but since he was on a magical Fairy dust wish it sorta of just happened. "Well it just that I thought we were having a good time with each other that I thought you be interested in me like that way. Sorry if I push too much. I should know not to go further than that but it just happens." Kenzo said while making a smooth apology. Troy who notice how Kenzo means well that Troy continues to blush a lot while sitting near Kenzo that Troy bites his lips. "Why-y d-do you-u chose-e me-e. I-I am-m a-a nobody-y t-t-though?" Troy said while not understanding why Kenzo wants to do that with someone like him. Kenzo begins to chuckle while continue to carefully flirt, "Well I think you are cute with your glasses and you are like someone I could relate to. So in a way I just feel like doing it with you. And you are not nobody. You are just different and special." Kenzo said while explaining the ways he thinks. Troy who understands Kenzo words begins to blush a lot through Kenzo feelings. Troy wanted to say something but his mom texted him on the phone that Troy has since he was in middle school that it was his old phone he has. His mom message was about Troy about wanting him to cook some rice and beans that Troy reads on his message. Troy sighs while not wanting to cut the day off since he has a good time hanging out with Kenzo that Troy ask Kenzo, "What-t.... is-s.... your-r.... phone-e.... number-r? Sooo... I-I could-d.... addd... you-u... too my-y.... l-list? Troy said while knowing his mom always checked on his phone but having a friend is not going to deal with harem plus his friend are more kind to him so hopefully his mom could understand that. Kenzo begins to give Troy his phone number while Troy gives Kenzo his phone number as well. When the two new friends exchange each other phone numbers, Troy begins to leave while waving a goodbye to Kenzo since Troy need to hurry up to his place so he could clean, cook, and and study so his mom won't get angry at him at all. Kenzo notices that Troy left his dad letters on the couch that Troy sometimes forget things that Kenzo begins to grab dad letters and hurry to chase Troy while he grabs Troy hand so Kenzo could softly pull Troy around him. "You forget about your dad's special letters. I know you are busy and all but hopefully you could relax for once in a while." Troy stop on his tracks while grabbing his dad letters while putting into his backpack while zipping it while hugging Kenzo. "Thank-k.... you-u.... f-f-for cheering-g.... me-e... u-up, being-g... my-y.... f-f-first new-w.... f-f-friend, for-r.... t-treating.... m-me ssspecial, and-d.... making-g.... me-e... remember-r the-e... important-t... as-s.... w-w-well." Troy said while feeling appreciated and feeling grateful as well. Troy begins finished his hug to Kenzo while he waves a goodbye again to Kenzo while he hurries up back home while taking Kenzo advice for once. Kenzo feeling happy to help Troy out that he is feeling good today. Kenzo keeps thinking about Troy but more about being new better verison that he wonders if he should be more bold or talk to the Fairy about it since being bold is getting to know more Troy life and having a friendship with him but downside is getting to pushy about it that Kenzo thinks about. Kenzo then notice how late night time is that Kenzo hurries back home and goes back to sleep on his bed while skipping his night routine since he being less responsible about it.
To be Continued- What would Kenzo newer version would be like in school?

School Life of a Bisexual Harem
RomanceA main protagonist named Kenzo who is 18 year old and goes to high school as usually even though he is average guy who has average grades. And also has an average life and he lives alone since his parents are overseas working. But something special...