Chapter 7 The Tailgate Spinner returns to sea

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Jane has her arm around Sappy, Peter stands firm. "I would like a word with Captain Greyham," he said "The way you're treating Sappy isn't fair, Jane and I know how to handle Hook." Mr. Plunkett motions for Peter to follow him. Captain Greyham is in his cabin when the door knocks. He stands up and answers the door. "This lad here was with Sappy and Skyler, he says he wants a word with you." 

"What is it boy? Are you a friend of Skyler's?" asked Greyham. "what is it?" Peter clenches his fists and stands firm. "I am here on Sappy's behalf, she is being targeted by pirates," said Peter "they want to make her a cabin girl and she refuses to join them. She has also been saying she doesn't want to go out to sea. Why do you make her come to sea with you?" Greyham looks at Peter. "Sappy has always agreed to come with us on her own terms." Peter narrows his eyes, "She just told Skyler she doesn't want to sail out to sea," said Peter sternly.

"She has always agreed to come with us," said Greyham "I don't see why she wouldn't change her mind." Peter angrily slams his hand on the table and looks Greyham in the eye. "You're putting her life on the line Greyham," he said "there are pirates out there who want to capture her." 

"Then it's best that she comes with us and that's final," said Greyham "now I suggest you and your little girlfriend cooperate if you want to survive. If we set sail now we can escape the pirates." Peter leaves concerned for Sappy's safety he sees Sappy, Skyler and Jane on board the Tailgate Spinner. "What did you find out?" asked Jane. Peter sighs, "He thinks Sappy should come," said Peter "I might head back to Neverland once we're further out to sea." 

Sappy shakes her head," Well it is true that I don't want to set sail with Skyler, but what choice do I have?"

Peter smiles mischievously "What do you say about coming back to Neverland with me while they sail," he looks at her. Sappy nods "I like the sound of coming back to the island." Skyler smiles daringly "I'm in, I'll try to stop the pirates from taking you as a cabin girl Sappy," he said. 

"Well if it's that important, I'll help you stand up to Hook," said Jane "only the strongest believers can win against Hook. I'll be your guide and help you outsmart if you like." 

Sappy smiles at Jane. "I trust you Jane," she said kindly "I'm sure we'll find a way." 

Captain Greyham comes out "Are all of you ready to set out to sea," he asks. Skyler smirks and holds onto his cap "We are ready captain," he calls back. Peter puts a protective arm around Sappy. "I don't like this," said Peter "Why is a grown up trying to help us?" Jane giggles at Peter "Don't worry Peter, I think you can trust this grown up."

"Hoist anchor," calls Captain Greyham "get ready to set sail." 

The Tailgate Spinner starts to move in the water, the wind setting the course. Annabelle leads Jane and Sappy to their post in the kitchen. Jane helps Sappy clean the dishes. "Why does Skyler go out to sea; he should be staying at home and taking care of you. " said Jane. 

"Says he wants to be a sailor, but drags me along in his adventures all the time," said Sappy drying off a plate and putting it back in the cupboard "There's a rogue named Brady in Neverland, says he's joined the pirates." 

"Has Neverland changed that much," said Jane "when I was there I was stuck in a bad situation myself." 

"Here comes Annabelle," said Sappy. Annabelle struts in and looks at Sappy and Jane, she notices all the dishes are clean and put away. "Well that was fast," she said "good work you two." Jane smiles at Annabelle politely and takes Sappy by the hand. They run up on deck where the crew is swabbing the deck and managing ropes. Peter and Skyler are sitting next to each other up on the main sail. "I can understand why you want to go back to Neverland Peter," said Skyler "but what are you going to do to help Sappy?" 

Peter smiles mischievously "I'm going to take her back to Neverland with me," said Peter "I can see you've bonded with Tinkerbell. Do you think taking her to open sea will work Skyler?" 

"I think it's the only way we can save her," said Skyler "Greyham has never let me down. Look we're headed away from the pirates and out to open sea." 

The smile on Peter's face disappears. "Then how come the Jolly Roger is chasing us?" Peter points up to the sky spotting the Jolly Roger in the air. "He will attack when we're not looking. Greyham is putting us in danger." 

Skyler stands up and crosses his arms. "Greyham is going to help us, you might not trust him but I do, I'm just want what's best for Sappy," said Skyler. Peter narrows his eyes at Skyler. "Sappy will be safer if I take her back to Neverland." 

"Are you challenging me Peter?" asked Skyler "Sappy will be safer with me..." 

Peter grins. "I'm not challenging you, I'm warning you," said Peter "Hook is ruthless he has a rogue with him. He is chasing after Sappy and Greyham is taking us to the middle of nowhere. I think you should come to Neverland too Skyler, you're the only one who can protect her." 

Skyler faces Peter "We can protect her together Peter," said Skyler "you saved her life today." Jane and Sappy meet Peter and Skyler on the foremast. "What are you two talking about?" asked Jane.

Peter looks back at Jane "I'm gonna head back to Neverland," said Peter "Look after Sappy for me Jane." 

"But Peter, when will you return?" said Jane. 

"I won't be gone long," said Peter "and when I return I'll take Sappy and Skyler back to Neverland." 

Skyler decides to speak, "Greyham has faced Davy Jones and Blackbeard, I'm pretty sure he can outsmart Hook," said Skyler. Peter faces Jane and takes her hand for a moment. "Maybe you can help us Jane." 

"I have to help mum with the bookstore," said Jane. 

"Come on Jane," said Peter "we beat Hook together when you were a lost girl." 

Jane ponders for a moment and then she smiles "Alright I'll come back to Neverland with you Peter," said Jane.

"I'm sure the lost boys will be happy to see you, and you seem to be getting along with Sappy," said Peter. 

Jane smiles sheepishly and shakes her head. "Alright I'm in but don't be gone for too long," said Jane. Peter smiles at Jane and then he turns back to face Sappy and Skyler.

The Tailgate Spinner reaches open waters and at dusk Peter flies back to Neverland with Tinkerbell.

To be continued ....

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