Chapter 6 The escape

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Peter is about to spring into action, his hand is on his knife and Hook continues to pressure Skyler. "I have no idea what you're talking about," said Skyler grabbing his pistol "you're nothing but an old codfish. Leave my store before I shoot you Hook." The pirate storms out of the shop, Peter and Sappy stand up. Skyler looks at Sappy and Peter "Alright I'll help you," said Skyler "we'll take the train to London. I'm closing up shop." 

"Can't we just fly to London," asked Peter "we have Tink." Tinkerbell jingles and agrees with Peter. Skyler looks out of the window and sees the pirates are still searching for Sappy. Peter holds Sappy's hand and looks at Skyler firmly. "Alright we'll fly," said Skyler "I suppose flying will get us there faster but what if Hook catches us?" 

Peter looks at the door in the back of the shop. "We go out the back," said Peter "if we stay in the clouds we'll be able to avoid the pirates." Skyler nods in agreement, he locks the door to his shop and then leads Peter and Sappy to the back. Tinkerbell sprinkles pixie dust on Skyler and Sappy, Peter leads them up into the clouds where the pirates can't see them. Skyler smiles at Sappy "Thank you for getting me off work early today," he said "I'm glad Peter told you about the pirates before they captured you." 

Sappy smiles back at Skyler "I'm glad too Skyler," she notices a envelope in Skyler's pocket. "Aren't you going to read that letter?" Skyler reaches for the letter in his pocket but decides to open it when they get to London. "I'll wait till we get to London." Peter looks behind him and notices Sappy and Skyler are getting along. "We'll be in London shortly," Peter announces. Skyler and Sappy follow Peter through the clouds and reach London. They land on top of Wendy's house and Tinkerbell jingles at Peter furiously. "I know Tink," said Peter "we'll have to leave for Neverland tonight." 

Peter sees the book in Sappy's hand. "What's that Sappy?" he asks "can I see it?" Sappy hands the book over to Peter. On the cover it reads the story of Peter Pan by Wendy Darling. He smiles when he sees the author's name. "Did Wendy give this to you?" asked Peter. Sappy nods "she gave it to me before you took me back to Neverland." she smiles at Peter. Peter smiles back at her and he hands the book back to her.  "Wait here, we'll see her today," he said. He flies down to the window and sees Jane as a teenager. Jane looks up and sees Peter knocking on the window. 

"Peter Pan, I didn't know you'd be here," said Jane "mum is working at her book store, she should be home with Danny pretty soon." 

"It's wonderful to see you Jane," said Peter "I brought some friends here they're up on the roof. They were trying to get away from Hook." 

"They can stay here for the time being," said Jane "we'll show that old codfish what we're made of." Peter peeks out of the window and waves to Sappy and Skyler. The two friends slide down the roof and go into Jane's room. Jane closes the window, and smiles. "Mum should be returning from her bookstore soon," said Jane "What's that in your hand?" 

Sappy hands Jane the book. "Your mother gave this to me, before I went back to Neverland," said Sappy "Skyler and I had just returned to port." Jane smiles and nods. Skyler takes the envelope out of his pocket and opens it. "What does the letter say?" asked Sappy. Skyler takes out the letter and reads it:

Dear Skyler,

I am in need of assistance on the Tailgate Spinner, I received a disturbing message from Blackbeard who is in alliance with Hook. I need you to come to port as soon as possible. Mr. Plunkett and Annabelle Jones shall be waiting at the docks. 

Yours truly,

Captain Greyham

Peter narrows his eyes at the mention of Hook's name. "I know what that codfish is up to," he growls "he's looking for Sappy." Jane looks at Sappy, "Did you betray Peter?" asked Jane "are you leading the pirates here?" 

Sappy looks nervous "Hook captured me and tried to make me his cabin girl Jane," she said "I have a feeling his gathering allies like Davy Jones and Blackbeard to find me. They were searching for me in Edinburgh." 

Jane knows that Hook will find Sappy at her house. "You've got to get out of here," said Jane "I got captured by Hook and became a lost girl." Sappy looks at Jane "Do you know the fastest way to the port?" asked Sappy. Jane looks out the window to see if her Mum Wendy was coming. "I know the quickest way to the harbor follow me." Peter is not happy about the letter Skyler is receiving. "Something is fishy about this captain Greyham," he whispers in Sappy's ear. 

They make their way to the harbor where Annabelle and Mr. Plunkett are waiting for them. "Welcome Sappy and Skyler who are your friends?" asked Mr. Plunkett. Peter feels the hair on the back of his neck bristle at Mr. Plunkett. Annabelle approaches Sappy. "Do you plan on helping me in the kitchen today? Your friends are welcome to help." Sappy backs away from Annabelle. "I don't want to go to sea," said Sappy "I'll become the cabin girl for a codfish if I go. Last time I went to sea I was captured." 

Peter doesn't like the way things are unfolding and steps in front of Sappy. "She's not going anywhere," he said angrily "she's staying here with Jane." Annabelle looks at Peter frustrated with him. Skyler pulls on Sappy's arm and looks at her with urgency. "You have to come with me Sappy, you don't have a choice. Hook will find you if you go with Jane and Peter." 

Peter spreads his arms to protect Sappy. "Then we're coming with you," said Peter "and when that codfish shows up. I'll be ready." Sappy crosses her arms not wanting to go on the Tailgate Spinner. "I'm not going, I'm staying here in London." Jane puts her arm around Sappy. Peter puts a hand on his knife and grits his teeth at Mr. Plunkett and Annabelle. "Where is Captain Greyham?" asked Peter "I would like a word with him." 

To be continued ...

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