Chapter 9

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It was almost lunch time on Saturday when Nita landed in London. After disembarking she called her parents from the terminal building, to tell them she was home.

"Goodness!" her mother sounded surprised. "I'll get your father to come and pick you up."

"No, it's O.K. Mum. I'll make my own way there."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." said Nita, wanting some time to prepare herself to break the news to them that she and Alan were over. "I'll see you soon."

As she got out of the taxi, her parents came out to meet her. Nita's father worked shifts and was at home today.

"Nita, love." Her mother hugged her. "It's lovely to see you, but why didn't you let us know you were coming?"

"Mum." Nita returned her hug with tears in her eyes. "I wanted to surprise you."

"You certainly did that." smiled her father, picking up her bags. "Come on inside."

"You're so brown." said her mother as Nita took off her coat in the lounge. "Your hair is lighter too."

"It's the sun." said Nita. "It's true what they say. It's nearly always sunny there."

"I'll make some tea." her mother volunteered.

"Could I have coffee, Mum? I don't drink tea much these days."

"Yes, love." Her mother left the room and returned a short time later with a tray and some cups.

"Did you really go to all those places you wrote to us about?" she asked.

"Yes, I've been everywhere on the tour. All the way to the East coast and back again."

Nita had temporarily forgotten Alan in the excitement of coming home but mentioning the tour brought back the reason why she was here.

"What's the matter?" her mother asked on seeing her expression.

Nita sighed. "You may as well know. Alan and I had a big row. That's why I'm here. It's over between us."

Her mother exchanged anxious glances with her father.

"But... you seemed so happy."

"I thought we were... but..." Nita shrugged. "It's a long story. I don't want to go into it just now."

Her mother sighed. "Alright."

"I've got some photographs in my case." Nita made an effort to brighten up. "I'll show you them when I've unpacked.... It is alright for me to stay, isn't it?" she added, realising that she hadn't given them any warning she was coming

"Don't be silly. This is your home." her mother told her. "You're welcome here any time."

"Thanks, Mum."

Nita went to bed after lunch, in an attempt to sleep off the jet lag, but she tossed and turned. She couldn't help worrying about Alan. What would he do when he realized she'd gone? She tried to convince herself that she didn't care, and eventually fell asleep.

She slept until early evening before dressing and going downstairs, yawning.

"Feel better?" asked her mother.

Nita nodded.

"Tea will be about an hour. Do you want a snack to hold you over?"

"No. I'll just have a drink." Nita plugged in the kettle for some coffee and went to get her photographs to show her parents.

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