Chapter 7

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Talking to Corinne, Brian hadn't realised that the show had ended. He had hoped he could get rid of her before Alan saw her.

Corinne walked past him up to Alan.

"Alan." she began. "I'm sorry, but I have to talk to you."

Alan's face drained of colour. He reached out to a nearby post for support as the shock of seeing her again had his legs threatening to buckle underneath him. Suddenly, all the feelings of pain and anguish he'd suppressed all these years welled up in him. His heart pounded, blood rushing past his ears. He had the urge to yell and scream at her, to demand an explanation, and apology, for all the hurt she'd caused him, but he sucked in a deep breath and bit his tongue. Why humiliate himself all over again.

"What about?" he said now, staring at her. She looked older. The auburn hair that used to flow around her shoulders was now snatched back off her face and tied with a black ribbon. The sparkling green eyes he remembered now shone with unshed tears, and there were several lines around her eyes, but she was still beautiful.

"It's Harvey." said Corinne. "He's run off with his mistress."

Harvey, Alan presumed, was the lawyer he'd heard she had married seven or eight years ago.

"He's left me with three children and the house to run. I've no job, Alan, no money. They're threatening to evict me if I don't pay the mortgage arrears and I'm terrified I'll lose the children." The words tumbled from her, as tears ran down her cheeks. "I saw you were coming to perform here, in Baltimore, and... I didn't want to come here, but I don't know where else to go..." She broke off, sobbing into her hands.

Brian was looking at her with a look of pure disgust. How dare she turn up begging for Alan's help after what she had put him through. He was the one who had needed help then, but she had refused to even talk to him.

Alan instinctively put his arms around her shoulders and she buried her head in his shoulder.

Just at that moment, Nita came down from their platform at the back of the stage, stopping abruptly when she saw Alan with his arms around this woman. A wave of jealousy washed over her. She took a step towards them but then stopped, studying them.

The woman was obviously upset, but although Alan had his arms around her there was no warmth in his embrace. He stood, stiffly, gazing over her head, a pained expression on his face.

Perhaps this woman had brought bad news, she wondered. Maybe someone was ill or, worse still, dead. As she watched, Alan pushed her to arms length and spoke a few words to her. Then he put his arm around her shoulder and led her towards his dressing room. The woman took out a tissue and blew her nose.

Nita glanced at Brian, who averted his eyes, looking uncomfortable, before heading off in the direction of the stage to start sorting out the equipment.

Nita ran after him. "Brian?" she called, catching his sleeve.

Brian stopped walking.

"Is something wrong?" asked Nita.

"I don't know." said Brian, his voice flat.

"Who is that woman?"

"Mrs. Corinne Maxwell." Brian said the name with contempt.

"Who's she?"

Brian sighed. There was no point trying to hide it.

"Do you remember the girl I told you about, the first time you came to see Alan?"

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