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"Over this whole week, me and Wednesday have been...weird. She said she liked me and I think I'm 85% sure she meant it like romantically. But we have hardly even spoke. But I have noticed she has just been standing a lot closer to me. Like she usually keeps a large distance between us unless it's unnatural or necessary. But I've been trying not to think about it. Maybe she's nervous. I'm nervous. And we have the Halloween Ball tomorrow and I'm so nervous."
I blurted mindlessly to the shop owner stood Infront of me. He had asked me what was on my mind because I looked distressed while I was buying my costume. And I totally just unloaded my whole history to him. He was staring at me totally like what-the-fuck. I just thanked him and walked out, shaking my head to myself and mumbling an apology. I had taken the shuttle to Jericho in preparation for tomorrow's event.

I picked up a cute vampire outfit which when I looked at it in further detail outside the store reminded me of Wednesday. Except it was much more, colourful. There were specks of red and purple and even blood was generally too bright for her. Even if she did have a weird obsession with it. Whatever, it was cute and I was gonna look cute and Wednesday was gonna be sooo into me. Maybe we would even kiss, but the idea started to seem more ridiculous as time passed. I wondered what would have happened if we weren't interrupted.

Regardless it was time to make my way back. I needed to meet Ajax to talk about some homework. Over break we tried to get together but he ended up rejecting me. I was upset for a while but realised maybe I didn't ever really like him as much as I thought. Especially after I met Wednesday.



About 4 hours after her departure, Enid welcomed herself back into Ophelia Hall. Since that night actually, the sound of the door opening and Enid's chipper greetings had made my stomach flip, and not in a fun way. I felt a heavy weight on my chest, like a guilt. But that didn't feel like me. I was so lost in affection for this girl, this insipid little feeling had been driving me crazy and making me feel ways I haven't felt before. Despite being devilishly smart, I had a hard time being sociable and charismatic. So I didn't have it in me to approach Enid for a regular conversation, even unrelated to what had been going on with us. I turned around to her and pushed out a pathetic smile. I didn't want her to feel entirely shunned by me. I didn't want her to cry again.
"Have you got a costume for tomorrow?" Enid breathed, as if unsure to speak.
"What makes you believe I'm going?"
I replied sharply.
"Oh. Sorry. Well me and Ajax were talking about it earlier. I'm going as a vampire?" She seemed very upset by my answer, and yet was uselessly trying to cover it up. As if I would believe her. I didn't even look at the costume though, or try to apologise, but the mention of Ajax...made a warmth rise in my chest. Something deep inside of me made me so jealous. Disgustingly jealous. And I usually like disgusting things.
"I might go."
I inhaled quickly, holding my breath to try and avoid her thinking I was doing this for her. Even though I suppose I kind of was.

Enid's eyes lit up, and she ran on the spot for a moment in joy. Irritatingly sweet.
"I don't have a costume, though." I stated.
"That's fine we still have 2 hours until the costume store closes. Hurry up." Enid was determined without me even agreeing. She had just gotten back too. Regardless I followed her off to Jericho.

When we arrived, it was dark, and quiet, with a light drizzle. Ideal conditions for an evening shop. Enid was very rushed even though we had plenty of time, and was rushing through the thin flurry of people in the street. I grabbed her hand. Just so I wouldn't lose her. Or that's what I told myself. We entered the store, and Enid had a very awkward greeting with the owner. She found me a matching vampire costume, and although it was more saturated than I would prefer, I did it for Enid. We bought it, and left the store. She was absolutely thrilled, enough to coax a smile out of me.


This particular instance I opted out of dancing. Instead I sat at a table watching Enid methodically. We were only there a couple hours, but your mind can wonder in that time. It started with bitterness, watching her dance with Ajax, then some kind of mesmerisation. I digress, I had my own fun observing. But it made me ponder the first night we nearly kissed, and then what happened the next day. I found myself almost passionate by the end of the night. I don't know what came over me, but I felt like hurrying back to the dorm. I don't know what I was planning to do, if I wanted to just talk to her.

Frankly I wasn't even sure how one is supposed to approach such a subject. How could I take myself seriously while being so...open. But I liked Enid, I seriously liked Enid. It was a problem and it needed to be solved one way or another.

We were walking back to Ophelia Hall. I was dead silent, trying to come up with something.

As we got closer, I thought...how could I show her? Then she would know that I'm being real.

How can I show her?

I closed the door behind us. I hadn't even turned the lights on.
“That was so fun! I can't believe you didn't even dance once! Did you have fun though?” Enid was twirling around. She looked back at me. She paused. She tilted her head curiously. She started to look worried and took a few steps towards me. Suddenly her arm was on my shoulder. I must have looked quite troubled. Something like that. My heart was pounding. I didn't even think, In retrospect it was stupidly irrational.

I leaned in, and this time I felt the sure warmth of Enid's lips. I pulled back straight away and stared at her, mouth agape. I had never been so unraveled by something so simple before. I nearly spoke but Enid didn't allow it. She grabbed both sides of my face and sent us crashing into a kiss again. It felt so warm, so relieving. It began to move beyond a brief peck, as our lipsticks intermingled. Every part of me was being altered by this girl, on a chemical level. I pushed her up against the wall by our door, driven entirely by instinct. By... desire?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2024 ⏰

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