Chapter 2: Shadows in the Dark

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The evening air was thick now, the temperature dropping as night fully settled over the campus. The rooftop, once bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, was now draped in shadow. Isabel stood next to Martius, her mind still reeling from the sudden turn of events. The weight that had been pressing down on her was still there, but now it was accompanied by something new—a strange, unnerving curiosity about the mysterious boy beside her.

Martius hadn't moved since they stood side by side. His posture was relaxed, as if standing on rooftops with strangers was something he did often. He kept his gaze fixed on the horizon, his hood still obscuring most of his face. Isabel found herself glancing at him from time to time, trying to piece together who he was and why he had appeared at such a critical moment. There was an odd calmness to him, a calmness that was both comforting and deeply unsettling.

"Why are you really here?" Isabel asked, breaking the silence between them. Her voice was soft, but the question carried an edge of suspicion.

Martius didn't turn to look at her. He kept his eyes forward, his expression unreadable. "Like I said, maybe I was meant to be here. Maybe I wasn't."

Isabel frowned. His answer was vague, evasive, and it only deepened her unease. She had spent so long feeling invisible to the world, and now this stranger had appeared out of nowhere, disrupting the fragile solitude she had clung to.

"Are you a student here?" she asked, trying to fill the silence with questions that might bring clarity.

This time, Martius did glance at her, his eyes flickering with something she couldn't quite place. "Does it matter?"

Isabel crossed her arms, feeling a mixture of frustration and confusion. She had just been standing on the edge of ending everything, and now this strange boy was speaking in riddles, refusing to give her the answers she sought.

"Yes, it matters," she said, her voice firmer than before. "I don't even know you, and you just... show up. I want to know why."

Martius sighed softly, his breath visible in the cool night air. "You're right. You don't know me. But does knowing me change anything? Does it make this moment any less real?"

His words sent a chill down her spine. There was something eerie in the way he spoke, something that felt beyond her understanding. Isabel's pulse quickened, and she suddenly became acutely aware of how isolated they were, high above the campus, with no one else around.

She took a small step back, putting a little more distance between them. Martius noticed, his lips curling into a faint smile that was more unsettling than reassuring.

"Don't be afraid," he said, his tone softer now, as if he had sensed her fear. "I'm not here to hurt you."

Isabel swallowed hard, her mind racing. There was something about him that didn't sit right. She didn't know if it was the way he had appeared out of nowhere or the way he seemed to know exactly what she was going through.

"You're not making me feel any better," she admitted, her voice shaky.

Martius chuckled, though there was no humor in the sound. "I'm not here to make you feel better, Isabel. I'm here because you needed someone, whether you knew it or not."

The way he said her name sent another shiver through her. She hadn't told him her name—she was sure of it. How did he know? The realization hit her like a wave, and she took another step back, her heart hammering in her chest.

"How do you know my name?" she demanded, her voice sharp now, the fear creeping into her words.

Martius didn't answer right away. He simply stood there, watching her with that same unreadable expression, as if he was weighing his options. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he spoke.

"I know a lot about you, Isabel. More than you think."

Her blood ran cold. This wasn't normal. This wasn't just some random boy stumbling onto the rooftop. He had known exactly where to find her, and somehow, he knew her name.

She took another step back, her mind screaming at her to run, but her legs felt like they were frozen in place. "Who are you?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

Martius tilted his head slightly, the faintest trace of a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "I'm someone who's been watching you for a long time."

Isabel's heart skipped a beat, terror gripping her chest. Watching her? For how long? And why?

"I don't understand," she said, her voice breaking. "Why me?"

Martius finally turned to face her fully, the shadows on his face deepening. "Because you're different. You're not like the others. You see the world the way it really is—dark, cold, unforgiving. And that's why I'm here."

Isabel's breath caught in her throat. There was something deeply wrong with this situation, something sinister lurking beneath the surface. She didn't know who Martius was, but she knew one thing—she needed to get away from him.

"I'm leaving," she said, her voice trembling but determined. She took a step toward the rooftop door, but before she could move any farther, Martius hand shot out, grabbing her wrist.

His grip was firm, almost too tight, and for a moment, fear paralyzed her. She looked up at him, her heart racing, and saw something in his eyes that made her blood run cold—something dark, something dangerous.

"Leaving?" he asked, his voice soft but laced with something menacing. "You think it's that easy?"

Isabel struggled to pull her arm free, panic surging through her. "Let go of me!" she cried, her voice louder now, echoing in the empty night.

But Martius didn't let go. His grip tightened, his expression darkening. "You don't understand, Isabel. You were meant to be here. I was meant to find you."

Her mind raced, adrenaline surging through her veins. She had to get away. She had to escape. With a sudden burst of strength, she yanked her arm free from his grasp and stumbled backward, her heart pounding in her ears.

Without thinking, she turned and bolted for the rooftop door, her feet moving faster than they ever had before. She could hear Martius behind her, his footsteps slow and deliberate, as if he wasn't in any rush to chase her.

She reached the door, her hands fumbling for the handle, but when she yanked it open, something stopped her dead in her tracks.

The stairwell was pitch black.

Isabel froze, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps. The lights that usually illuminated the stairwell were out, leaving nothing but darkness below. She couldn't see anything.

Behind her, Martius footsteps grew closer, steady and unhurried.

"Isabel," he called, his voice low and haunting. "You can't run from me."

Terror gripped her, and she stepped into the darkness, her heart racing as she descended the stairs, her hands gripping the railing for dear life. The darkness was suffocating, and every step felt like it could be her last.

She could hear Martius following her, his footsteps echoing in the stairwell, closer now.

"You were meant to be mine," he whispered, his voice drifting through the darkness like a cold wind.

Isabel's heart pounded in her chest as she stumbled down the stairs, her mind filled with nothing but the need to escape. But no matter how fast she ran, no matter how hard she tried to flee, the darkness seemed to swallow her whole.

And somewhere behind her, Martius was still there—waiting.

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