Chapter 3: Into the Abyss

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Chapter 3: Into the Abyss

Isabel's breath came in ragged gasps as she descended deeper into the black void of the stairwell. The echo of her own footsteps seemed to merge with the eerie, unhurried steps of Martius behind her. Every second felt like an eternity, and every corner of the stairwell was swallowed by the darkness that surrounded her.

Her mind raced, panic surging through her veins. She had to get away. She had to outrun him, but the stairs seemed endless, stretching on and on like a labyrinth she couldn't escape. The stairwell was a place she had traversed many times, but tonight it felt foreign—like a trap designed just for her.

Behind her, Martius' voice drifted through the darkness, soft yet insistent. "You can't run forever, Isabel. You were never meant to."

His words sent a chill down her spine. She wanted to scream, to shout for help, but something told her no one would hear. This part of the campus was deserted at this time of night, and even if someone was nearby, would they understand? Could they possibly believe what was happening to her?

She continued to run, her legs aching from the frantic pace, but the darkness felt endless. Every time she thought she was reaching the bottom, the stairs seemed to twist, leading her further down into some unknown depth. It didn't make sense. She should have been at the bottom by now, but there was no end in sight.

Her mind screamed for an explanation. Was this real? Was Martius playing some kind of sick game with her? Or was she losing her mind, trapped in her own nightmare?

"Isabel..." His voice was closer now, dangerously close, but still calm, as if he had all the time in the world. "You can't escape your fate."

She stumbled, her foot catching on the edge of a step. She fell forward, slamming into the hard concrete, her palms scraping against the cold surface. Pain shot through her arms, but she forced herself to stand, ignoring the burning in her hands. There was no time to stop. If she stopped, he'd catch her.

She could feel him, just behind her, his presence almost tangible in the oppressive darkness. The air was thick, suffocating, as if the walls of the stairwell were closing in on her.

Suddenly, as if by some miracle, she saw it—a faint glimmer of light at the bottom of the stairs. Hope surged in her chest. Maybe she wasn't trapped. Maybe there was a way out after all.

Ignoring the pain in her body, she ran faster, her feet barely touching the steps as she raced toward the light. It was closer now, flickering like a distant flame, calling to her, promising safety, escape.

But as she neared the bottom of the stairwell, something changed. The light, once warm and inviting, seemed to shift, its glow becoming harsher, colder. Isabel hesitated for a moment, her gut telling her something wasn't right, but the desperation to escape overpowered her instincts.

She reached the bottom, bursting out of the stairwell and into a long, narrow hallway illuminated by a single, flickering overhead light. The walls were stained with age, the floor cracked and uneven, and the air smelled damp, like something had been rotting for years. This wasn't part of the campus she knew.

She looked around, her heart pounding in her chest. Where was she? She had been here for two years, and yet this hallway felt entirely unfamiliar, like it didn't belong. The sound of Martius' footsteps echoed behind her again, slow, deliberate, as if he knew exactly where she was headed.

Isabel turned and started down the hallway, her shoes slipping on the uneven floor as she forced herself to move forward. The flickering light cast strange, distorted shadows on the walls, and every few feet, she glanced over her shoulder, expecting Marcus to appear at any moment.

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