Chaos Awaits

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The next morning, Jada woke up, her body comfortably into the familiar bed. It did feel good to be back. The craziness of yesterday hadn't rattled her much—one of the perks of being the most laid-back person in the room. She didn't panic, didn't stress, and honestly? That was a win for now.

After brushing her teeth and scanning her wardrobe, she threw on her go-to outfit: an oversized hoodie and ripped jeans, always comfortable, always ready to keep it casual. Sliding on her pink headphones around her neck, she grabbed her bag and headed to her least favorite destination—math class.

Jada's Thoughts:
Here we are. The class I've been dreading. She gave a light eye roll. How's math gonna help me become a movie director anyway?

Jada walked into the room, her expression as flat as ever. She slouched into her seat, earbuds in, not even pretending to care about what was written on the board.

"Alright, let's talk about quadratic equations!" the teacher said enthusiastically, like this was the most exciting thing ever.

Jada stared blankly ahead, resting her chin on her hand. She thought about pulling out her notebook, but what was the point? She was going to make movies, not solve for x.

For real, though... who even uses this stuff in real life?

She sighed, drifting into her usual daydreams—her mind on scripts and camera angles, not formulas.

Jada sat in her seat, trying to focus, but her mind wandered. Math was the last thing she cared about, especially after everything that happened the previous day. She absentmindedly doodled on her notebook while the teacher droned on about equations.

The teacher's voice broke through her thoughts. "Jada, could you come up and solve this problem?"

Jada groaned internally, dragging herself to the front of the class. Staring at the numbers on the board, she could already feel herself zoning out. She hadn't paid attention in days. It's like the numbers were laughing at her.

Suddenly, she heard a soft voice from behind her.

"It's eight."

Jada turned slightly, her eyes catching sight of Tenebris, the new girl she had met just yesterday. Tenebris sat in the back of the classroom, her long dark hair falling over her pale skin, and those intense, alluring eyes looked straight at Jada, calm and confident. They had exchanged small talk the other day, nothing deep, just introductions and why she came to Mystic Haven. Tenebris had seemed reserved, mysterious, like she was holding back more than she let on.

Jada raised an eyebrow but took her advice. "Eight," she said, writing it on the board.

The teacher looked surprised. "Correct. Good work, Jada."

Jada gave a casual shrug, not letting on that she hadn't solved it herself. She glanced back at Tenebris, who smirked faintly, leaning back in her chair. Jada returned to her seat, wondering if Tenebris knew way more than she was letting on. Her calm confidence wasn't something you see in new students.

As Jada sat down, her curiosity about Tenebris grew. Just yesterday, when she had introduced herself, Tenebris had barely said much, keeping things simple. Something about the way she carried herself, though, felt...different. Like she didn't really belong here, but at the same time, fit in more than anyone else.

Jada sat slouched in her seat, doodling mindlessly in her sketchbook, not even pretending to care about what the teacher was explaining. Math was nothing but background noise, blending with the soft scratching of her pencil against the paper. Her eyes flicked up from her drawing for a second, and that's when she caught it—Tenebris, the new girl, staring at her.

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