Hear Me Out

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TW: main character injured, minor character Death, anxiety/panic

   "EDDIE!" Buck screamed out as he pushed off from the asphalt, wiping the blood from his forhead as he ran to Eddie, dropping to his knees, as other firefighters worked faster and harder to get into the car and put the new fire out that had been started by the explosion.

   Eddie's arm may have been burnt but Buck was more worried about the damage he could have received when he was thrown against another vehicle by the explosion.

   Hen moved quickly, dropping a bag next to Eddie as she quickly checked his ABCs. "BUCK, give us some room" she demanded and Buck quickly backed up, sitting back as he stared at Eddie while Chimney dropped on the opposite side.

   "S-save him" he whispered as he heard the other medics state the driver was gone.

   "We're losing him" chimney called out as Bobby rushed over to them with Ravi and a gurney, the crash pass already ready.

   Buck stared at them standing up when they got him loaded, Hen continued CPR as they loaded him up. "come in Eddie, come back to us!"

   Bobby grabbed Buck and nodded for him to get in the front as Chimney and Then took care of Eddie in the back. Trying to keep him distracted as they took off to the hospital.


   Buck paced In the waiting room, hugging himself as everyone else sat uncomfortably in the chairs. He held his phone as he had gotten off with Carla and Christopher just minutes ago. "Buck, we got his heart beat back in the ambulance, he's in good hands.... I'm sure everything is going to be fine" hen said reassuringly. At least as much as much as she could.

   "I know" Buck whispered hands shaking. "I know... I shouldn't have left him...." He muttered out.

   "Buck. Then we would have had both of you back there" she motioned towards the doors that the ORs were behind.

   Buck looked at her, before glancing back at Bobby breathing out he sat beside their captain who seemed to be left in his own head just as well. "It's going to be okay" Buck said after a moment, grabbing Bobby's wrist with a reassuring smile, and a gentle wrist rub.

   "I really hope so" Bobby responded as he grabbed Buck's hand and smiled as he squeezed it gently.

   It felt like yours before a doctor finally stepped out, Christopher was leaning against Buck at this point and Carla had brought drinks and doughnuts for everyone. "This must be the Diaz party? Good news, he's stable, and surgery went well. We are just waiting for him to wake up now, he is set up in ICU."

   Bobby and Buck both nodded. Buck decided Bobby should go see him first. Moving to carefully wake Chris up and tell him the good news.


   Carla let out a hum as she and Christopher said goodbye to Eddie, she smiled at Buck as he walked in with Takeout. "He wanted to see dad before school~ how are you doing Buckeroo?"

   "Better now that he's awake" Buck hummed as he sat the bags down "do you two have time to eat before you go? I got breakfast" he hummed "oh, and I got Chris after school"

   "We should get good NG, I made pancakes before we came in, glad your shift last night went well~" she hummed and after Christopher got his hugs they were off. "Have a good day boys"

   Buck was setting up Eddie's food, fruit, pancakes and eggs, from a place just up the street. "Still hot eat it before it gets all gross and mushy" he hummed before sitting down and watching him eat. His smile faltered a little.

   "Buck, what's on your mind?" Eddie asked in-between bites "aren't you going to eat too?"

   "I....yeah...." Buck nodded and lowered his eyes. "I just ...I almost like at you again...." He whispered with furrowed brows.

   "We've almost died like...a million times ...I thought we would get used to it" Eddie smiled softly
   "Of course not" Buck smiled and moved to the edge of the bed. "but everytime....one of us is in this bed..... Thoughts flash through my head ...." Buck sighed and stroked his hand "and I wanna stop shoving this down .... Eddie.... I love you"

   "I love you too Buck" Eddie said as he sat up the best he could.

   "N-no Ed's... I LOVE you...." Buck repeated, this caused Eddie to smirk.

   Eddie pulled Buck into a soft and passionate kiss, pulling away he looked to those confused eyes and smiled. "I know Buck.... I love you too~

Sorry it's short, and sorry I think I suck at writing Carla right now 😅
Hope you enjoy~
801 words~

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