Chapter 5

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While the boys and Harumi marveled at the Shochos, Luke heard a well-known voice. "Luuuke!! Where are you?" It was Ayumi, who pulled a lot of suitcases behind her.

Tenshiko Shiroi, the symbol of the sun and supreme of the Shochos, was pissed off because of the interruption of the gathering.

Yotaro Tsurikawa, the symbol of the storm, was extremely pissed off about it

It was a mystery how Ayumi had managed to convince the pissed off Shochos to let her stay, but she had somehow managed to do it anyway. she came from the headquarters in the city and wanted to return to the countryside to Luke.

Only one but stubborn obstacle remained. namely Akemi Ninomiya, the symbol of fire and Luke's current trainer.

She was really, really pissed off by her.

More coming soon^^

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