Chapter 10 - Close call

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Elvira's steps echoed down the empty corridor as she made her way outside of Hogwarts. Her braided hair swayed across her back with each step. She brushed her fingers against the locket, tracing the intricate engravings before tucking it behind her long black coat. She slid the silver skull mask to her face and lifted the hood to hide her face. Tonight had changed everything. The path forward was fraught with danger, but it was clear. She must attain the Moonstone before the Ashwinders do... Before he does... She let out a shaky breath as she stepped outside, looking up at the moonlit sky, trying to steady herself. "Come on girl, we've got this," she murmured to herself and ventured into the forbidden forest.

Elvira darted through the darkened woods, her heart pounded with a mix of adrenaline and resolve. The night was quiet except for the rustle of leaves underfoot and the occasional distant call of a nocturnal creature. The moon was a mere sliver, casting only the faintest light through the thick canopy above, but for Elvira, the shadows were allies, masking her movements as she neared the Ashwinder poacher camp.

The camp was crudely set up with tents and cages—cages that imprisoned the magical creatures the Ashwinders had illegally captured. Hiding behind a thick tree, Elvira listened as a group of gang members gathered around a small fire, their voices carrying through the quiet night.

"Yeah, the boss wants us to check that cave near the centaurs' territory. Thinks that rock he's after might be hidden there," one of them said, a sneer in his voice as he kicked at the dirt.

"The centaurs are a nuisance," one of them hissed. "They come near us, they're as good as dead," another replied gruffly, the sound of his laughter harsh and jarring, others joined in. "Gotta keep this lot secure too," he motioned towards the cages, full of Kneazles, Fwoopers, Nifflers and Diricawls. "Boss says they're worth a fortune."

The callous disregard for the creatures and the centaurs stirred a deep revulsion in Elvira. She whispered to herself, "Disgusting."

Fuelled by her disgust and resolve, Elvira took a deep breath and quietly strategised. She began casting a series of distractions, using small, subtle spells to draw the poachers away from each other. As they separated to investigate the noises, Elvira, concealed by her cloak moved deftly, whispering incantations and subduing the Ashwinders one by one. Each thug collapsed without a chance to react, their bodies thumping softly against the forest floor. She quickly made her way to the cages. Her wand moved with precision and speed, liberating the creatures that whimpered and growled softly, urging them into the safety of the forest.

As the last of the beasts disappeared into the underbrush, a cold voice sliced through the night. "Impressive. Though entirely uncalled for."

Fuck... Elvira thought as she spun around, her wand at the ready. A cold dreadful feeling set in her stomach as Victor Rookwood stood at the edge of the campsite.

Rookwood murmured in a low growl, "Silverflame, I presume." His jaw tightened, his eyes glinting in the dim light, a menacing look spreading across his face. He surveyed the scene—his fallen men, the empty cages—and then fixed his gaze on Elvira or rather the vigilante Silverflame he'd heard of.

"No silver fires tonight? How disappointing..." Rookwood mocked, moving slowly towards her. Elvira gripped her wand slightly, her nostrils flared under her mask, her heart racing.

"You've been quite a thorn in my side of late," Rookwood said, his voice smooth and infuriatingly calm. "Sabotaging my camps..." he began to circle her, like a predator stalking its prey. "Costing me business," his voice grew to a low growl.

Elvira mirrored Rookwood's movements, her mind racing. This wasn't the charming, strangely attractive man she had met before, but something much darker. The man's presence alone commanded authority, his aura crackling and wrapping itself around forcing her confidence to falter. Her instincts screamed to run, yet she couldn't keep her eyes off of him.

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