Chapter 13 - There's No I In Team

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The Great Hall of Hogwarts buzzed with the usual chatter of students. Elvira, still nursing her injured shoulder, sat with her friends, her posture less rigid than usual, betraying her physical and emotional exhaustion. Despite her discomfort, she was alert, her eyes moving from one friend to another as they discussed the revelations of the day.

Natty and Poppy had just returned from their meeting with Dorrian, the centaur leader. The group leaned in closer, hanging on every word. "Dorrian was clear," Poppy said, her voice low and serious, "The Moonstone isn't in the caves we originally thought. It's actually hidden in an older, more secluded cave near Irondale."

Elvira's eyes lit up with a spark of hope. "That's good news," she said, a faint smile curling her lips as relief washed over her. "It puts us one step ahead of Rookwood."

Poppy nodded, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Yeah, if he's still sniffing around the wrong place, we might have a real shot at getting to it first."

Ominis, ever the strategist, tempered their optimism with caution. "We shouldn't rush this. According to what you both learned from Dorrian, that area is ancient and protected by Merlin knows what. We need to plan this carefully—"

"—About that," Gareth interjected hesitantly, "We might not have long until they head to Irondale"

The group drew their attention to him, expectant looks on their faces. "What do you mean, Gareth?" Elvira asked, her tone carrying a slight edge. Her heart raced at the next words.

Sebastian sighed as he said with resignation, "They couldn't find the Moonstone last night. They know it's not there."

Elvira felt a wave of panic and dread wash over her at the thought of Rookwood finding the Moonstone. She leaned forward, her tone urgent and desperate "Then we must act now! If we move toni—"

"—No," Ominis cut her off sharply, his voice firm. "We don't know if they know about the second location. Besides, you need another day to heal, Elvira. It's too risky for you to go tonight. We already agreed you would stay and rest."

Elvira's face tightened, a mix of frustration and impatience flashing in her eyes. She knew he was right—her shoulder was still a painful reminder of her last encounter. But the urgency of the situation gnawed at her.

"He's right El, you need rest." Sebastian added softly, "Besides, we don't know when they'll move next. We should think this through."

Poppy joined, "We could...go to Hogsmeade tomorrow together? Just us girls?" she glanced at Natty, "Get your mind off of things?" Poppy asked softly and smiled back at Elvira, a sweet and comforting gesture. Natty drew her gaze to Elvira and nodded in agreement.

Elvira leaned back in her chair, her lips pressed tightly together as she nodded reluctantly. "Okay..." she sighed, "Fine, yeah you're right." she conceded, but her mind raced with plans of her own. Her gaze flickered with an unreadable emotion. "I know, I still need another day to recover before we can even think of moving out," she said, her voice betraying a hint of frustration at her own vulnerability.

Sebastian, who had been observing Elvira closely, noticed the subtle tightness in her voice. His eyes narrowed slightly, a silent worry creasing his forehead. He had seen that look in Elvira's eyes before—determination mixed with a dangerous dose of impulsivity. "Just make sure you rest," Sebastian said pointedly, his tone gentle yet firm.

Elvira met his gaze, her expression softening. "I will," she promised as she forced a smile. Her foot tapped lightly against the floor, betraying her restless energy.

Sebastian's face remained neutral as he noticed her forced smile. He knew her well enough to know when she wasn't being genuine. He sighed softly to himself, leaning back in his chair and glancing back to Ominis who was talking to Gareth across the table.

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