Chapter 11 - Secrets Revealed

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The sunlit Great Hall buzzed with the morning chatter of students as Sebastian and Ominis sat at a secluded corner of the long table with Natty, Poppy, and Gareth. The two had agreed that it was paramount to bring the rest of their close-knit group into confidence regarding Elvira's nocturnal escapades as Silverflame and the dangers she now faced. The clattering of dishes and the low murmur of voices provided a backdrop to their intense discussion as Sebastian and Ominis revealed everything to the group.

Ominis leaned forward, his expression earnest. "Elvira, or rather Silverflame, has been fighting this dangerous battle alone for quite some time now. It's important everyone understands the gravity of the situation."

Gareth, who usually had a laid-back demeanour, looked particularly tense. "Bloody hell, I can't believe El's been doing all this on her own," he said, running his fingers through his hair in disbelief.

Natty, the most analytical of the group, nodded, her brow furrowed. "The risks she took... The things she did, what we read about in the Daily Prophet... I can't believe it was her all along."

Poppy leaned back, processing the news. Her expression was one of deep thought, her usual liveliness tempered by the weight of the revelation. "This is a lot to take in. I mean, Elvira always had a streak of daring in her, but this? Merlin's beard...."

"Bloody cool tho," Gareth chimed in with a smirk on his face. "The things we read about Silverflame, how she scorched the poaching camps with cold-burning silver flames? That's some powerful magic—"

"—And the beasts she saved..." Poppy said with a soft smile, lost in thought.

Natty rolled her eyes at Gareth's comment but couldn't help a smile. "It's not cool, Gareth. She's putting herself in serious danger. And now, with Rookwood on her tail..."

Sebastian sighed, picking up on Natty's concern. "Exactly, and that's why we need to support her. We can't let her face this alone anymore. We—"

Before he could finish his sentence, the group's attention drew to Elvira approaching the table. Her movements were slow, her usual brisk and energetic stride replaced by a weary, painful shuffle. Her left shoulder was bandaged, visible beneath her loose-fitting shirt.

Poppy was the first to stand, "Elvira!" she exclaimed, rushing over to gently wrap her arms around her friend, careful not to hug too tightly. "Oh, El, we were so worried!"

Elvira returned the hug with her good arm, a faint smile gracing her lips.

As they separated, the others were quick to express their feelings.

Natty pulled her in a hug, "Gods I'm glad you're alright! I can't believe it was you fighting them this entire time..." She released her and gave her a relieved smile.

Gareth nodded vigorously as he helped Elvira sit down, "Bloody hell El, you're truly insane." The group chuckled. Elvira still half asleep, glanced at Sebastian and Ominis with a confused look.

"We were just filling them in," Sebastian explained, his voice calm and smooth.

Elvira nodded, her expression softening as she looked around her friends, her eyes glistening slightly. "Oh..." She sighed softly and gave them a soft smile.

"You should have told us!" Natty said, her soft tone mixed with frustration.

"I know I should have. I just... I thought I could handle it." Elvira admitted quietly.

"Well you have us now," Gareth said, his voice steady and reassuring. He reached out, giving her a gentle bump on her other shoulder. "We're in this together." he winked.

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