Chapter 2

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Idk why I decided to go to this stupid party instead of being at home and in bed instead of spending two days at the hockey house and seeing some old friends I pull up into the driveway to the hockey house as tons of people pour thru the door i get out and walk up to the door going thru when I'm immediately trampled by a very excited aurora "hi I'm so happy you made it" she says letting me breath "hey Ryan " Henry says pulling me into a very surprising hug "hey good too see you " I say as I meet Halle again we met at a Halloween party last year standing behind Halle was a very pretty girl and I mean she was gorgeous "hi I'm Ryan Rothwell"I say holding out my hand for her too shake " hi I'm Lydia Fares" she says taking my hand it takes me a moment to realize "wait Fares as in Todd Fares the basketball coach for the Florida gators " i ask "oh umm yeah he's my uncle" She says I was secretly fan girling I mean here I was shaking the hands of the niece of the greatest coach of all time and my dream team I realized I was shaking her hand for a really long time "sorry" I say wiping my sweaty palm on my pants what was happening to me I've never acted like this in front of a girl before I'm supposed to flirt all night and than possibly fuck smoothly not be all nervous and awkward or sweaty who was I kidding I can't sleep with Todd Fares's neice what's my problem this girl is looking at me like I'm fucking crazy "sorry it's uhh good to meet you" i say stuttering "Yeah you too" she says before getting pulled away by a girl who seems drunk "come on beer pong is set up now" the girl says "oh okay come on" Lydia said grabbing my hand dragging me with her "how good are you at beer pong" she asks me "oh umm I'm okay" I say "only okay looks like I'm carrying the team " she says giggling she's so pretty when she giggles "you've got a good laugh " I tell her I don't know why I just told her that "thank you" she says I follow as she pulls me to the table

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