Preference: How you two dance

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Okay so for this one I'm going to add a link to a gif with each situation and then a short story to go with it.
If you're reading on your phone(I have an iPhone so I don't know how it works with other phones):
1. highlight the link
2. Click "define"
3. Click "search web"
4. Click the search bar at the top
5. Click "go"

It's romantic. You two don't dance a lot so when you do it's usually a special occasion. Usually slow dancing. Really sweet.

It's fun. Davey doesn't like to dance, so when you do, it's usually just you two goofing off. But still, it's pretty sweet when he dances with you in the rain.;)

It's compassionate. He likes to lead and spin you a lot. Since he wants to keep his "tough guy" look in front of his boys, you two only dance like this when you're alone.
It's unexpected. He likes to sneak up behind you, grab your hand and spin you. He sometimes does this when he wins some money on gambling, or when he has good news to tell you.

It's silly. He'll start off by just holding both of your hands and swaying back and forth, but once you two get into it, it gets bigger. You dance mostly when you're at medda's.

It's comforting. When you're down, he'll kiss your forehead and wrap his arms around your waist, and hum little songs to you. He knows that you love to dance so it calms you down.

It's out there. When he's really excited or happy about something, he'll run up to and lift you up into the air and spin you.

It's cute. You two love to dance at medda's, and when you do, it's really fun and upbeat. You don't care that the both of you aren't the best dancers, you have fun and that's all that matters.:)

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