Dakota Enger always listened to the angel on her shoulder and followed the rules. She was a straight "A" student, president of the debate team and currently holds the fastest time on the track team.
But when a devil appears, Derek Hale, she can't h...
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Dakota rummaged through her closet, muttering to herself. "How's Scott?" she asked Derek, who was lounging on her bed. "Why don't you ask him yourself?" he replied, raising an eyebrow.
Dakota huffed and turned to face him. "Because I'm asking you, and you're right here. As my alpha and friend, I want to talk about our foster packmate."
Derek got up and walked over to Dakota's closet, picking out a black dress covered in cherries. "What is this?" he asked, holding it up. Dakota glared at him. "Derek, seriously, just put it back. I need to wear it tonight."
Derek held the dress up higher, examining it. "Did you buy this dress? I could buy you a better one." Dakota rolled her eyes. "Derek!"
Derek continued to tease her, causing Dakota to climb onto her bed. "Derek, I'm warning you," she said, her voice rising. Derek turned around, and Kota jumped onto his back, trying to grab the dress.
Both Dakota and Derek looked up to see their mother staring at them. "Oh hello," Daphne said. "Kota, can I talk to you for a second? In the hallway?" Dakota nodded and jumped off Derek's back. "Stay," she whispered to him as she followed her mom outside, shutting the door behind her.
"Mom, I'm so-"
"Is that the boy?" Daphne whispered. "He's super cute. Seems a little old, but your father is three years older than me, so we won't talk about age here." Dakota stared at her mother with her mouth open. "Sorry," she whispered. "What did you say?"
"That's the boy, right? I mean what other reason would you sneak him up to your room? You wanted alone time. This all makes sense now, the sneaking out, coming home late, making Isaac cover for you." Daphne said, running her fingers through her hair.
"What's going on out here?" Michael asked, walking over to his daughter and wife. "Why is your door shut?" Daphne looked over at Dakota with a raised eyebrow. "Dakota has something she wants to tell us."
Dakota nodded, biting her lip. "I do," she whispered. "Can you just give me a second?" She asked as she opened her door slightly and slipped through the crack. "Don't laugh," she hissed at Derek, walking over to him. "This is all because you don't like to use your phone and sneak into my room."
"I did nothing."
Dakota grabbed his hand and interlocked their fingers. Both Dakota and Derek stared at their hands with an uncomfortable expression. "This is your fault. Now, shut up and act like you like me," she hissed, pulling him to her door. She took a deep breath and opened the door.
"Mom, dad. This is my boyfriend, Derek," she stuttered out. "He's a little old," Michael said. "Don't I know you?" Dakota and Derek both shook their heads. "Nope, not at all," Derek said. "No, no, I have. Derek? Derek Hale. You were a suspect in your sister's murder."
"I was," Derek said, causing Kota to jab her elbow back at him. "But he didn't do it," Kota quickly said. "He's a great guy, daddy. And I really, really like him. It would mean everything if you would approve."