4. Our hero returns

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Peter didn't return in almost a week and Wendy wasn't too sure about what she was supposed to do with his shadow. For now it was lying neatly folded in one of her drawers but she didn't know what to do with it if he never came to get it back. That thought made her very sad, but sure he wouldn't abandon his own shadow?

That night when Wendy fell asleep Peter finally came back, he had decided to just go in and look for it while she was sleeping. So when she hadn't moved in her bed for an hour or so he finally dared to push the window open and step inside. He looked around in the pitch black room before blowing a low whistle "Tinkerbell?" Peter whispered sticking out his head through the window. "Tinkerbell!" He said again, this time a little louder and just as that, it looked like one of the stars was about to fall down from the sky just to stop in front of his face. A light melody with the sound of small bells came sailing through the air. "Help me look Tink" Peter exclaimed. The beautiful sound that just went through the air had been the sound of a small fairy talking. The fairy's name was Tinkerbell and she was a gorgeous young fairy. She had the perfect hourglass figure and beautiful blonde hair but even though she looked like a delicate little lady but she had quite the temper and really isn't the nicest person I know. She was however very fond of Peter and would do anything for him, so she saluted him and went away in such speed she only looked like a little lightbulb floating around in the air. She looked everywhere, under the bed, in all the lamps and behind the mirror. She did however get stuck in front of the mirror for a few seconds making sure that her dress sat perfect on her little body. The dress was nothing more than a small leaf benefited to reveal as much of her body as possible, which was part of the reasons she got banned from the fairyland and had to go live with Peter. Not that she minds. After a few other minutes of searching she found the shadow in the drawer and called Peter over. "Oh you found it" Peter said excitedly and pulled the drawer open without thinking, the shadow flew out in maximum speed but shut the drawer again so poor Tinkerbell got stuck inside. A fight broke lose between Peter and the struggling shadow and he had quite a hard time to get it by the foot and draw it to himself. When he finally managed to Wendy's clean and neat room was a mess. Peter didn't really notice though, he just tried to make the shadow stay at it's place and not run away again. It was quite hopeless though, the shadow struggled beneath him and refused to connect with him just teasing him and being overly annoying. "You are the most annoying shadow I met, you know that right?" Peter said and scowled to his shadow, he was so irritated he didn't think of lowering his voice, and Wendy who already had been close of waking up because of the tumult opened one of her eyes. She yawned but said "Is it you Michael?" Almost drifting back to sleep. Peter didn't know what to say so he just went "ehhm... No?" Wendy snapped both her eyes open, just as the voice said it didn't belong to Michael "Then who are you?" She said slowly sitting up "Well... Who are you?" Peter answered playfully. Wendy couldn't see him in the dark but she thought it was rather odd, he had broken in to her house but still he asked about her name. "It's Wendy Moira Angela Darling" she said ignoring how weird the situation was "Well my name is Peter Pan" then Peter bowed beautifully like the fairies tough him was the right manner. "Oh okay, may I ask you a question now?" Wendy said getting up from her bed, Peter looked oddly at her but said "yes of course, go ahead" Wendy bit at her lips nervously before asking "what are you doing here? In my room?" Peter gave her a small smile before holding up his shadow "I were trying to get my shadow back, but it seems hopeless" Wendy took a step closer and almost couldn't hold back a laugh as she saw that he had been trying to make the shadow stick with soap "oh you silly boy how would you make him stick with soap?" Peter just shrugged but looked somewhat embarrassed "I think you need to sew it, I'll help you" Wendy realised that she probably should have been afraid for the mysterious boy but she for some reason trusted him right away, he seemed oddly familiar. With everything she needed she sat down in front of him, then she realised how dark her room was and that she barely could see him. "I'm just going to turn the lights on" she said as she stood up and lighted some small lamps that just left the room dimly lit. When she turned around again she saw that Peter had picked up the needle and was examining it closely, then he touched the top of his thumb with it which resulted in that small pearls of blood dripping from his thumb. "This thing is quite sharp" he told Wendy while sucking on his thumb. "Do you need a patch?" Peter looked oddly at her "Why would I need that? I'll heal in no time". Wendy sat down once again and pulled one of his foots into her lap, "okay so you have a shadow that does whatever it want and you heal in no time" she thought that this Peter, was a quite weird person "what more can you do?" She threw a look at Peter for the first time in a while and was surprised to see him already staring at her. She adjusted in her seat and then looked at Peter again, even though there was nearly no light she could see his eyes twinkle. She turned her head and decided that his face was absolutely perfection. So when he opened his lips to speak Wendy had almost forgotten what she asked about. "Well I'm quite good at playing the Pan flute and..." Now Wendy was done and shadow was on its place "I can fly" Peter said it so quickly and excited Wendy almost didn't understand what he said. But sure enough, Peter left the floor and levitated a bit over it before settling down again. Wendy however was speechless, boys aren't supposed too fly "I must be dreaming" Wendy whispered to herself, "Sorry, but no" Peter said with a smirk and pinched her nose. "But no one I knows can fly" Wendy exclaimed. "Well miss Darling, do you know anyone else from Neverland?" Now Wendy had a hard time understanding what the mysterious boy talked about "Neverland?" She said in disbelief. "Yes Neverland" Peter said and took her hand "that's were I'm from" he continued. "In Neverland you'll never have to think of grownup stuff because you'll never grow up" he spinned Wendy around as if they were dancing "never?" Wendy asked. "That's why it's called Neverland" he answered with a huge grin "and in Neverland there is mermaids, fairies and pirates" he wiggled his eyebrows before saying "and the lost boys of course". Wendy though it seamed like the most wonderful place ever. "Who are they?" She had heard of mermaids and pirates but never of lost boys "They are the children who fall out of their perambulators when the nurse is looking the other way. If nobody claims them in seven days they are sent to Neverland" Peter smiled cockily at Wendy before saying "And I'm of course their leader" Wendy though it sounded like a dream, did really a place like that exists? "That sounds like a lot of fun" she told Peter. "It is" Peter agreed "but sometimes it's awfully lonely. You see we have nearly no female companionships" he gave Wendy a sad smile. "Is none of them girls?" She said a bit shocked, she didn't see why since she wouldn't mind being a part of their group. "You girls are way too clever to get lost like that" When he said that Wendy felt flattered at once and felt her cheeks heat up. "So where is this Neverland?" She asked Peter while trying to ignore that she could feel her rosy cheeks. She felt how his warm hand once again took hold of her smaller one and pulled her to the window. "Second to the right and then straight on to the morning" he pointed at one of the most shining stars and then looked back at Wendy who giggled "but how do you get there? She asked while shaking her head in disbelief, "I just fly" Peter shrugged, "Oh right" said Wendy still giggling. "You know I should probably go now" She stopped giggle at once "what? Why so sudden?" She asked looking sadly at Peter. "Well I need to tell the lost boys the end of that story you were telling you brothers" Wendy was confused, had Peter been here all of that time? "Are you listening at my stories?" She asked him "Well of course, that's why I was here in the first place" when he said that Wendy got a bubbly feeling, she didn't though anyone but John and Michael liked them. Her mother once told her that her stories was the most beautiful she ever heard but she just thought that was a motherly thing to say. "Do you like them?" She asked shyly, "We love them" Peter exclaimed with a grin on his face. "Well I know loads of stories" she said and looked at Peter who smiled even brighter"Then why don't you come with me then?" Wendy's eyes became twice the size and twinkled with delight "Come with you, to Neverland?" Peter took hold of both her hands and said "If you like to".

I know that it might be a weird end but I needed to split up a very long chapter and this seamed like the best place, sorry x)<3

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