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My chest felt like it was on fire as I stormed away from the fields, my footsteps heavy and uneven on the dusty path back home. Every laugh that Imayal and that so-called doctor shared felt like a dagger, twisting deeper with every second. I had seen her with him, seen her laughing-as if I didn't exist, as if everything we had meant nothing.

How could she?

I clenched my fists so hard my knuckles turned white. She said she loved me, didn't she? She had always been so sure of us. Then why was she smiling and acting so free with Dhanraj? My thoughts spiraled into chaos, the anger mixing with confusion until I couldn't make sense of anything anymore.

The moment I reached our house, I spotted Amma and Appa sitting under the neem tree. Amma was braiding flowers into her hair, and Appa was watching her with that calm, contented smile he always had when he looked at her. I didn't want to deal with their knowing looks right now, but I had no choice.

Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "She's doing it on purpose! She's laughing with him, acting like I don't matter! After she told me she loved me, how can she do that?"

Amma's eyes flickered up from her flowers, her lips curving into a small, knowing smile. Appa chuckled softly, shaking his head as if he had expected this all along.

"Ah," Amma said, her voice calm but amused. "So that's why you're blabbering like this, Muthu?"

"Blabbering?" I shot back, my agitation growing by the second. "Amma, you didn't see them! She was flirting with him, right in front of me!"

Appa chuckled again, and Amma gave him a playful nudge before turning her full attention to me. "Muthu, sit down."

I hesitated, pacing in frustration, but eventually, I gave in and slumped onto the step beside her. My hands ran through my hair as I tried to make sense of the chaos in my head. "How can she do this, Amma?" I asked, my voice low and hoarse. "She said she loved me... she-" I stopped, the words choking in my throat.

Amma reached out, placing a gentle hand on my arm. "You're in love, Muthu. You're angry because you care. It's eating at you because you know how much she matters to you."

I looked up at her, and she smiled softly, her eyes full of understanding.

"Do you know how hard it is to fight for love?" Amma asked, her tone gentle but firm. "You saw what I had to go through with your father."

I blinked, my mind flashing back to their story, a story I had heard a hundred times but never really understood until now. Amma had fought for Appa, against her family's wishes, against society, and against all the odds. She had loved him enough to fight for what they had, no matter how impossible it seemed.

"Your father and I weren't supposed to be together," Amma continued. "But love isn't about sitting back and letting things happen, Muthu. It's about fighting for what you want, just like Imayal is fighting now."

I frowned, confusion replacing some of my anger. "Fighting? Amma, she's flirting with another man. How is that fighting for me?"

Amma smiled, shaking her head. "She's not flirting, Muthu. She's showing you what you'll lose if you don't fight for her. She's making you realize that you can't sit on the sidelines forever."

I swallowed hard, the weight of her words sinking in. I thought back to the way Imayal had looked at me earlier-the fire in her eyes when she smirked, the way she had whispered something to Dhanraj as if they shared a secret. But it wasn't about Dhanraj at all, was it? It was about me. She wanted to see if I'd fight for her, just like Amma had fought for Appa.

"But I've never... I don't know how to..." I stammered, my frustration turning inward. "I thought if I let her go, she'd be happier with someone who could give her everything."

Amma chuckled softly, shaking her head. "You men and your ideas of sacrifice," she said with a sigh. "Love isn't about stepping aside because you think someone deserves better. It's about standing tall, holding on, and showing them that you're worth fighting for."

I stayed quiet, the weight of her words settling over me. Imayal had been fighting this whole time-waiting for me, even when I thought she'd move on. And now, she was forcing me to confront the truth I'd been avoiding for so long: I didn't want to lose her.

"But how do I know she still loves me?" I whispered, the vulnerability in my voice catching even me by surprise.

Amma looked at me with a patient smile. "You know because she's still here, Muthu. She hasn't run away. She's giving you a chance, even now, by showing you how much you stand to lose. But it's your choice whether you fight or not."

Appa, who had been quietly listening all along, finally spoke up. "Muthu, sometimes the fight is as simple as letting yourself be honest. Stop hiding behind your fear. Go to her. Talk to her."

I nodded slowly, the fire inside me shifting from anger to determination. I wasn't going to lose Imayal-not to anyone. Amma was right. If I wanted her, I had to fight for her, just like she was fighting for me.

Standing up, I turned to face them, my heart still pounding but with a new sense of clarity. "I'll fight for her," I said quietly, the words heavy with resolve.

Amma smiled, her eyes shining with pride. "That's my boy."

Appa clapped me on the back, his usual quiet approval saying more than words ever could.

With renewed purpose, I left the house, my mind set on one thing: Imayal wasn't getting away from me that easily. If I had to fight for her, then I would.


Hey guys I won't be able to post for a few days and I don't want my readers waiting, next chapter is only on Monday so I will upload all the four chapters today for Thursday to Sunday.

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