[40] Kuroo » Nonchalant «

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Kuroo has this reputation at school: popular, nonchalant and super smart. Being his classmate, you found out two out of three of those are true.

He's anything but nonchalant.

The story of you finding that out is something you'll never forget.

"L/N, let me carry that bucket for you."

You turned to see him jog over to you. You thought he already left for volleyball practice. He left the classroom together with Yaku as soon as the bell rang.

He was probably already at the gym earlier because now he had his volleyball jersey on with the team jacket over it.

He slowed down and stopped next to you. He gently took the bucket from you.

"Eh, but.. You're not on cleaning duty today."

"Yeah, I'm not. But I heard from the teacher that you're cleaning all alone because the other guy is sick and another had to go home early for an emergency."

"Oh." He's always a responsible student. The teacher probably saw him by chance and asked him to help out. "You don't need to."

"It's okay, I want to." He gave you a smile.

As you cleaned the classroom together, you thought of how easy going he was. To you, Kuroo gets along with almost everyone in class. He's always helpful and nice. He talks to the girls very easily too.

You sighed. 'He's nice to everyone, Y/N. Let's not overthink it.'

You looked up at the blackboard. You were mostly done but some parts at the top and corner of the board was bothering you. You sighed. You wished your were a couple of inches taller.

Glancing back, you decided on which chair to use to boost your height.

"Oh, I can help you with that," Kuroo offered, as he finished straightening the desks in the back. But you refused.

"It's fine." You quickly got a chair and stood on it, wiping the top parts of the blackboard.

You could hear footsteps. You fully expected Kuroo to leave already since everything was pretty much done.

Instead, he went to the front of the class and held the chair in place.

"Be careful not to fall."

You peaked a glance at him holding the chair. He must've felt your gaze because he looked up at you curiously. The sudden eye contact jolted you with embarrassment, making you take a step back. But there wasn't anywhere to step back!

You feet slid off the chair, the world turning upside down before your eyes.


You were prepared for a concussion but it never came.

"Don't worry, I got you!" Kuroo's voice said, calm and accompanied by a little chuckle.

He had his arm around your waist, your stomach on his shoulder. Your entire weight was supported by his shoulder actually. You could feel the sculps of his bicep against your side.

Your breath caught in your chest. He felt warm.

He shifted his stance and easily set you down on your feet. You felt like kicking yourself when you realized, you would have preferred it if he held you a little longer. Don't make it weird!

"I told you I could help with that." Kuroo took the blackboard duster from your hand before kneeling down to take you indoor shoes, placing them at your feet. "Here."

With that, he finished up wiping the blackboard while you put your shoes back on.

You could feel your entire face being hot, your heart skipping beats.

It wasn't long before everything was done.

"That's everything. Thank you for helping me, Kuroo-kun."

"Mhm, no problem. I'll be going now. See you tomorrow!"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

Without warning or sign, he gave you a pat on the head. It was probably just a friendly gesture. Casual even. But to you, it felt gentle and endearing as his hand lingered just a few moments longer than it should. His thumb brushing a stray hair off your forehead before poking at the tip of your ear.

"Your ears are bright red, by the way."

He noticed.

Without saying another word, he left your there in the hallway with a playful smile dancing on his lips.

You just stood there, frozen. You wanted the moment to last a little longer. You watched his back as he walked to the staircase at the end of the corridor.

Your clenched your fists, grabbing at the helm of your skirt. It took every bit of your self-restraint from going after him, grabbing his jacket and blurting out how much you like him.

All this time. You liked him all this time.




"Gah, Kuroo! What happened to you?!" Yaku jogged over to their captain, clinging for dear life on a wall. He looked like his leg has been shot and his entire body wasn't responding to his brain signals.

"Yakkun. I think I lost all the strength in my legs."

"What are you on about! Also, where the hell did you go? The coaches are waiting."

Kuroo lifted his head, showing Yaku his blushing face. A huge grin played along his lips. It looked like he never felt happier in his entire life.

"Yakkun, she looked so cute!"

"You're grossing me out! Like, get off your ass and let's get to practice already."

"Okay, okay. But just give me a moment to process what happened first. L/N is so cute."

"It sounds like you're head over heels for her."

Kuroo gave a chuckle. The thought made his chest feel warm and fuzzy. "I am."


Author's Note:

I know I always write angst with Kuroo as the bad guy so here's a one shot to heal the hearts of all yall Kuroo stans out there! (myself included)

Oh, Kuroo is also such a cool guys in my new Haikyuu fanfic called "Project Crimson"

It's a BNHA inspired Haikyuu fanfic starring our Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi and my OC called Natsuhi. Please check it out if you're interested!

See you in the next one shot!


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