[13] Hinata x Reader x Kageyama » Not Enough [Part 1] «

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Requested by choleil





He had his forehead against yours at the time. His eyes darting left and right nervously before he finally stared back at you. It surprised you; him suddenly being this close to you, his face centimeters away from yours.

"I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead. What is it?"

Others looked at this small boy and see a mere child; only in his first year of middle school. But, you saw more than that.

You see him as a radiant ray of sunshine. Beautiful and warm.

"I like you."

In unison, those words were spoken.

A beginning of the three years you spent with him.

Unfortunately, perhaps it was also the beginning of the end. The end of the feelings he confessed to you.

● ● ●

A painful and suffocating lump formed in your throat. His voice was clear and you were sure you listened intently to his words but, you still doubt you heard it correctly.

You cleared your throat, a nervous grin instinctively appearing on your lips.

"Shoyo, if this is about you failing the test recently, don't worry about it. We're going to go through this like always!"

You fist pumped. Usually, Hinata would perk up like a daisy in Spring but, this time.. He looked away. The droopy look in his eyes made him look like he was wilting in guilt.

"It's not about that, L/N-san."

L/N-san? He never calls you that anymore.

"Then, what is it?"

"Like I said, I don't think we can be together anymore."

"Why?" You sounded demanding; which almost never happens but, shock was now turning into anger. You don't like things unexplained.

'I just don't feel the same anymore, okay?"

You bit the inside of your lips. You still can't believe this.

"This is too sudden for me, you know. I mean-" You trailed off, Reality was slowly caving in on you.

"it's not too sudden. I've felt this way for a long time."


"It's never enough."

What is never enough?

His footsteps echoed in the empty hallway.

The beating of your heart felt like marching drums in a complete disarray of tunes.

"What is it? What's not enough?"

But, the question hung unanswered because he never looked back at you.

● ● ●

It felt like a nightmare.

To be fully honest, you still couldn't believe it for the rest of the week.

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