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file name. BAE MINYOUNG. sydney
location. NS BANK
name. surprise surprise

The soft morning sunlight slowly crept through the high windows of the bank, casting long shadows across the floor. A chill from the outside breeze seeped into the building, its coolness noticeable even indoors. I got up from the worn couch in the security room, stretching out my arms as a yawn escaped me.

I wandered over to the duffle bag Kyoto had packed for us, rummaging through it until I found the glaringly bright pink toothbrush she'd chosen for me. I sighed at the sight of it, shaking my head, and gathered the rest of my toiletries. As I turned to scan the room, I saw Dublin slouched in a chair, fast asleep, her body curled up. On the same couch I had been on earlier, Maldives was snoozing lightly, her face buried in her hands.

Francisco sat behind the computer, glasses askew, head resting against the monitor as he dozed.

Moving quietly, I slipped out of the security room and made my way to the bathrooms to freshen up. After splashing some water on my face and brushing my teeth, I headed back toward the main bank floor. I figured a sweep of the area wouldn't hurt, and it'd give me something to do.

My boots made soft, rhythmic taps as I walked through the dimly lit rooms. Entering the main hall, I found Kyoto asleep in the only chair, her long hair cascading over her face. Beside her, Athens was slumped against the base of the chair, resting his head on it, completely knocked out.

A sigh escaped my lips as I observed them. Everyone here was so... open. They shared their stories, their fears, their dreams. Sometimes I wondered if I should try connecting with them, but I reminded myself that I came here to make money, not friends. Friends were just liabilities in a job like this.

Turning on my heel, I left the room and made my way down the quiet hallway. The building was eerily still. When I reached the storage room, I found Paris sprawled on the couch, hands tucked in his pockets, fast asleep. Tokyo lay on the long table in the middle of the room, his hands under his head, staring up at the ceiling, though it looked like he was dozing too.

Quietly, I shut the door behind me and continued my patrol, my eyes trailing over the cracks in the floor as my thoughts drifted to the heist. If it didn't go as planned, we'd all be looking at years behind bars. Funny enough, prison felt safer than life outside these walls right now.

I shook my head, trying to push those thoughts away. Just then, I heard a soft tap at the main entrance. I froze, listening intently. Had I imagined it? My hand instinctively moved to the gun at my side, bringing it close to my chest as I scanned the area. I didn't want to wake the others unless I was sure.

I crept toward the massive doors, pressing my ear against them.

"Get it open," someone whispered urgently from the other side. "It's not going to work. This door's made of something I can't break through," another voice responded, agitated but hushed.

My heart raced as I stepped back from the door. Quickly, I sprinted through the halls and up the stairs, rushing back to the security room. I stumbled into Francisco's chair as I reached the computer, causing him to stir and groggily open his eyes.

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