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So this I guess is authors note. cool. This is my first story so be kind when reading it because I'm new with all this. This WILL be a very confusing story with lots of mystery. It is also a fanfiction. So if not a 1D fan stay away. BTW Nina as Serena if you have ever have seen the vampire diaries (Highly recommend) then she looks like Katherine.


I walked into the room scowling. I get that my big brother Liam is famous and all but seriously I didn't want to meet his new bandmates. What was the point?

Of course I was proud of my big brother. Who wouldn't be. He had tried out on the X-Factor and not only made it but got put into a band. Liam was is an amazing singer and he deserves to go on to be famous.

But did I really need to meet them today. I mean I need to go. Like right NOW!

"Oh Serena whip that scowl of you little face, you might get frown lines. Where could you be going that is so important anyhow?" Liam asked me. I wanted to tell him. I really did but Liam wouldn't understand. He may be the older of us but I am the one often protecting him.

I gave him a look that told him I was not in the mood for him right now. I needed to go. It is kind of life or death. If I didn't show up I know Jazzy and Caleb will kill me.

Liam put his hands on my cheeks and looked me in the eyes. He was trying to be the supportive big brother that he thinks he is. Yes Liam has done a lot for me. After our parents died we got really close. We promised to stick together. That worked well for awhile. Then I started to drift away with my 'work' that he knows nothing about. Then he got distracted with his singing.

"You will like them and they will like you." Liam promised. His big chocolate eyes looked at me pleadingly. Why does he have such big puppy dog looking eyes. The better question is why don't I have those big puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sure I will but can meet them later. I have to go right now." I said not looking into his big puppy dog eyes that looked like they could be liquid. I wanted to meet them. I really did, but not right now. Not at like seven thirty when I'm about to go out.

"Tell me what you have that is so important." Liam said. I sighed. I couldn't tell him. Not if I didn't want him to think me crazy. I am sort of against going to a mental hospital. No one really wants that.

Liam looked at me expecting an answer. I just shook my head helplessly. Liam I knew would now not leave it.

There was a knock on the door. Saved by the knock. Liam went to get it. He was all too excited see his new friends. I looked down at myself. I was wearing a hot pink tank top with a big paler pink heart in the middle. I also had on one of those deep brown mini skirts with suspenders. I had a cute matching brown cap. I have brown leather boots. I was being bait today so I had to wear this girly cutesy outfit.

The door opened and four incredibly hot guys walked into the room. I was a little taken aback by how hot they all were. The first one to come up to me was a kind of tall guy. He had bright green eyes that looked like emeralds. I might get lost in those eyes. His hair was chestnut curls fell into face. He smiled at me. He had these amazing dimples.

I smiled at him sweetly. The boy smiled like he was about to do something devious.

"Guys this is my sister, Serena." Liam said putting a protective hand on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes. Like any of these boys could even get two feet near me if I didn't want them to. I am probably stronger than all five of them combined.

"Wow Liam, you didn't tell us your sister was so fit." The one with curly brown hair and green eyes said. He reached out his hand toward me. I took it smiling. "I'm Harry." he said. I nodded Harry is the one with the amazing hair not hard to remember.

"Did you miss me saying that she is my sister?" Liam asked annoyed with Harry. I laughed at this comment. "I think Liam got hit over the head because he didn't tell me how hot you all are." I said smiling. It earned a glare from Liam. He leaned down and whispered into my ear. "What are you doing?"

I whispered into Liam's ear "You wanted me to stay. I could go if I'm being too much of a bitch." A smile played at my lips. I loved being manipulative, it is always such fun. Liam rolled his eyes at me. "Not a chance" he whispered close to my ear again.

In that case I will just have to bump up my game. If I wanted to get out I would have to work really hard. I can be a real bitch if I want to. So it won't be too hard may even be a little fun.

Next a guy with blonde hair came up to me. He smiled with these incredible blue eyes. I swear I could melt into those eyes if I wanted to. He was also so incredibly hot It really shouldn't be legal. "I'm Niall nice to meet ya." He had such a thick Irish accent it was cute.

Next one to come up to me looked to a bit of a bad boy. He had dark eyes. His hair was dark a bit messy. He gave me the sup nod. "Zayn." He said.

I rolled my eyes at his sup nod. He was trying way too hard to be cool. It is almost comical to watch him.

Suddenly I was in a huge bear hug. I was surprised he just popped up and this guy was practically strangling me. When this guy pulled back I saw Liam trying to stifle a laugh. I felt my eyes widen in shock. Not many people get the best of me. In fact I can count how many on one hand.

This guy he just looked hyper and happy. He made me hyper just looking at him. He had ruffled brown hair that swept across his forehead. His blue eyes were striking. They just seemed to stand out against his is lightly tanned skin.

"I'm Louis." He said. I was surprised that he wasn't jumping up and down. I could see this guy doing that. "I can see that." I said with a big smile plastered on my face. It was completely fake but no one noticed. No one but Liam. I could never really hide anything from him. He cuffed my shoulder and I gave him a nasty glare.

"So I met you all and now it is time for me to go." I said with a hopeful smile at Liam. I walked forward but Harry grabbed my wrist. I was wrenched back not wanting to show off my strength.

"Aw don't leave us yet." Harry said with a playful smile. I rolled my eyes. I twisted out at of Harry's grip. Harry looked at me a little surprised that I could get out of his hold so easily. I smiled at the confused dumb look on his face.

"Bye." I said with a flirty smile just to annoy Liam. It was good that I didn't have go into bitch mode. It is never fun. I don't like to hurt Liam.

I got to the meeting place with Jazzy and Caleb ten minutes late. Jazzy just rolled her eyes annoyed but Caleb gave slight chastisement.

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