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So new chapter. Comment vote same drill. The whole ice thing I watched this vid in class about a guy who goes under the ice for 45 minuets and survives so yeh. Just go with it.

P.S. Sorry it is so short

Chapter three

All five of the boys were hanging out in my house. We were watching that movie Sky Fall. Before long I started to notice something that they all thought were hiding from me. I was sitting on Harry's lap while he played with my hair. Every once in awhile Niall would turn to look at us with a scowl on his face.

I began to wonder if Niall and Harry were having a fight. They looked really mad. I tried to concentrate on the movie but the stares that Niall was giving Harry bothered me.

I looked up at Harry to see if they were bothering him too, but Harry was contently watching the movie without a care in the world. He is oblivious sometimes. When the movie was over it was only like ten thirty but I found myself tired.

I bid all the boys farewell except for Liam who always stayed a bit later. I turned to Liam who was staring at his phone not really looking at me. I furrowed my brow and sat down next to him.

"Why are Harry and Niall fighting?" I asked. Liam looked up from his phone startled that I knew. Of course I knew I wasn't blind!

"It is not really my place to say, I mean I am not the one fighting." Liam said trying to hide something. Over the time when monster became ever so more popular I learned the ways to cover up secrets. Liam was doing an awful job of trying to cover up this secret. That made me want to know even more.

"Oh please tell me Liam. Please?" I asked putting on my cutest little girl face. The face the reflected the little Serena Payne who Liam practically raised. Liam couldn't say no to this face and he knew it.

"Don't worry it is just girl trouble." Liam said to me. I huffed and crossed my arms. I knew Liam was not telling the whole truth. I didn't push it because I saw the look on my brothers face. A look that said he was upset and mad as well.

"Serena if were ever in trouble you would tell me, right?" Liam said suddenly changing the subject. I looked over at him confused by his sudden outburst. I wondered if he figured it out. Figured out my secret.

I turned and looked into his puppy dog eyes. They were filled with sadness and hope. I didn't know why he was asking me this. His eye though were so filled with hope I had to answer and I had to lie.

"Of course I would tell you Li what's gotten into you. Are you in trouble?" I asked suddenly freaking out. My big brother couldn't be in trouble. Did he have a psycho stalker, for anyone else that would seem a little out there but not for him. Damn his fame.

"I'm not in any trouble. I have just been thinking about that day you fell through the ice. Do you remember that day?" Liam asked. I nodded. Of course I remembered that day. I was legally dead almost three minutes.

To my surprise Liam started to tell the story. "You were six or so I was eight or nine. We were ice skating on that lake we lived near. I went away from you to talk to some on my friends. Then I heard you scream for me. I looked over, and there you were terrified. The ice was breaking beneath your feet. I was so scared I thought I was going to lose you Serena. I will never be as scared as I was right then. I tried to get closer to you but every time I did the cracks got bigger. You looked up at me with your eyes full of trust. You were certain that I was going to save you. There was a really loud crack and you said to me 'Liam I'm scared.' I wanted to go and get you, but I froze too scared to move. And then you fell in. I got frantic looking for you, but Mr. Darlento our gym teacher fished you out. You weren't breathing and it was my fault. I was too scared to get you." Liam finished the story sadly. I looked at him confused. I didn't know why he decided to tell me this lovely tale but he did.

"Liam you were just a kid. And I'm happy you didn't try and get me. You might have fallen in as well." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. I still had no idea why this story came up but It wasn't fair for Liam to blame himself.

"Yea but this morning at the airport I saw the same look on your face. You are afraid. I want you to know I can protect you." Liam said. I had been afraid when Liam and the other saw me and stared at me like something was different.

"I was scared because you were all staring at me. I thought I had done something wrong." I said covering up the truth with a half lie. I hate lying to my brother. It is just not something I care to do often. That's why I was glad he went away on tour for like nine months.

Liam nodded not totally convinced but left my flat. I went to my room and fell into a restless sleep.

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