Live Bait

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Chapter One

Present Day

“Why do I have to be bait?” I grumbled. It feels like I am always the bait. I know I am not always it only seems like it. I groaned as Jazzy began to pull my hair slightly. She fastened my blonde wig onto my head.

“Hey I was bait last time, and Caleb can’t really going after a male one.” Jazzy said stepping in front of me. I hate it when she is right which she often is. Caleb sympathetically put his hand on my shoulder. He didn’t need to be bait as much as Jazzy and I did but he like the rest of us hated it. “Think on the bright side. This means you will get the extra ten thousand tonight.” Caleb said.

This did make me feel better because, I could use the money. It is really hard for me to keep a job with my ‘hobbies.’ I seriously needed the money. Not that the money that Liam sent me every month, despite my protests, was not enough to get by on but I like everyone wanted more.

Jazzy put all of her braids up into a ponytail. She has a about a billion braids. Her skin is a deep chocolatey brown. Her eyes were so dark that they almost seemed black but they always had a sort of light in them. We were all in our ‘work’ clothes. For her was black skinny jeans and a black tank top with a black leather jacket.

Jazzy handed me my favorite dagger and the annoying 35 caliber gun that fit in my underwear. She put the tracking device that was implanted into my necklace around my neck. I was wearing a slutty red dress that showed off way too much thigh for my taste.

A/N if you wanna see what Serena is wearing check out this

Now that I looked the part I needed to act the part. Acting drunk is not that hard I thought this part might be at least a little fun.

Caleb turned me toward him. His big hazel eyes filled to the brim with worry. His floppy blonde hair shrouded his left eye. He is pretty tan for someone living in London. I mean we barely get any sun around here.  “Don’t do anything stupid. This should be a clean cut easy one.” Caleb said.

I patted Caleb’s cheek. He worries way to much. He smiled but I saw the warning in his eyes.

I walked out of Jazzy’s apartment. It was like eleven thirty, and the street was almost empty. I walked down the street laughing and acting drunk.

I passed the one we were after. He reached his hand out and grabbed my wrist. I teetered on my cherry red heels to add emphasis on my drunk act.

“Where are you going?” The guy said. He had these stunning amber eyes.

I smiled at him a big delirious smile that showed how ‘drunk’ I was. “I can’t remember. But I think it has something to do with you.” I said with a slight laugh. Amber Eyes smiled at me.

He took me to his car. It was a dark ford edge. It blended in pretty well. No one would question if this car came rolling down the street. I smiled as The car started to get going. I put my hands between Amber Eyes knees. Amber eyes was surprised at first then a smile of pure pleasure crossed over his face. I disgusted myself with doing this, but it had to be done.

I was just thankful that Liam wasn’t here. He would totally freak out. Liam is the mature one in my family. It can get annoying sometimes but he is my brother I have to deal with it.

I went back to the task at hand. I have to slut it up.We got back to his apartment. It was secluded. More like in the middle of nowhere. That is good, no worrying about people finding the body.

Amber Eyes got out of the car then he went around and opened the door for me. What a gentleman I thought sarcastically. I stumbled out of the car keeping my drunk show up. Amber Eyes laughed at me.

With a smile he forced himself onto my lip. I was so surprised all I could do was sit there and let him kiss me. Then I snapped back into the game. I reached for my dagger then froze. Amber eyes was reaching for it too.

He got to it first. He pulled out the dagger slicing my leg in the process surprise written all over his face. He was a dumb one that is for sure. Then he got angry.

He threw a punch at my face. I was a step ahead of him. I jumped backward and did a backflip keeping my toes pointed to hit in the face. What do ya know it really is important to point your toes.

Amber Eyes stumbled back from my amazing kick. I could see he was surprised that I wasn’t really drunk. He is definitely one of the stupid ones.

I didn’t take him long to recover though. Amber Eyes took another swing at me, this time with my dagger in hand. I almost laughed at how easy this was becoming. I grabbed his arm and twisted it downward. My dagger clattered to the ground. I swooped down to grab it.

Now me and Amber Eyes were face to face. Neither of us moving to give away our advantage. I twirled my dagger between my fingers. Amber Eyes opened his mouth to bare his fangs.

Thats when I darted in. I ran up and slashed his throat. My knife has been dipped in vervain (A natural weakness to vampires) so often that I could hear the sizzle as knife met vamp.

I stood there for a second then my jeep came down the street. Caleb was driving it. I got in it was now like two in the morning. I was dead tired and ready for a long night sleep.

My phone buzzed making me jump. I looked down hoping it wasn’t for a job. Luckily for me it was from Liam.

Liam: Hey sis can’t wait to see you. Remember to come at 2pm Tuesday.

They were coming home, I almost forgot. Nine month without seeing them. They would all be coming home in two days. Well probably two. Its past midnight so does that make it one day?

I didn’t care I just texted Liam back.

It’s two in the morning.

That would shut my brother up. Soon he would be here and I would feel much better.    

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