Chapter 1

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This is my first fanfiction ever! I hope you guys love it!! It's not going to be perfect but I can try! Please let me know what you think of this story in the comments!! Enjoy!!!


"I didn't wait. I-I didn't wait for my Dakota ring, o-or my Frankenberry action figure when I was a kid. So, what am I waiting for now? All I know is that I don't wanna miss out on the prize." Shawn said, hoping she was understanding what he was saying.

"What are you trying to say, Shawn?" Juliet asked.

"That I-I...I love you." Shawn whispered.

Shawn stared down at his feet while Juliet stared at him, mouth agape, and eyes full of tears (of joy).

Finally, Juliet spoke, "Shawn... I-" At that moment, Lassiter bursts through the door.

"Hey, I heard the good news!" Lassie said, ecstatic that his partner wouldn't be dying anytime soon.

In an act based purely on adrenaline, Lassiter hugged his partner. It was awkward.

Shawn walked out of Juliet's hospital room and stood next to Gus for a brief moment before saying "I'm gonna get going. You coming?"

"Yeah, I'll drive. Let's go." Gus replied, knowing he needed to let Shawn have some time to himself before talking about it.


Shawn and Gus left the hospital silently, but Gus broke the silence when they got in the Blueberry by asking "So where do you wanna go? Arcade? Bowling? Movie?"

"I don't really feel like doing anything right now." Shawn stated.

"Oh, okay. So Psych office or your apartment?"

Shawn sat there, silent, motionless for a few seconds, then said "Psych office. My apartment's getting fumigated."

"Must be from those nasty corn nuts." Gus remarked, trying to lighten the mood.

He could tell it worked because Shawn chuckled and said "Yeah, right. Those things are like heaven in a bag!" Shawn exclaimed.


Later that night, Gus received a text from Shawn.

S: Hey, buddy. Sorry for blowing you off earlier.

G: Oh, that's fine! Do you feel like doing anything now?

S: Come to the office.

G: I'll be right there.


On his way to the Psych office, Gus wasn't paying attention to the road. He was too busy thinking about what Shawn needed to tell him. Gus was so out of it that he didn't even notice his speedometer was slowing creeping it's way up.

Suddenly, Gus was awoken from his trance when he saw flashing red and blue lights and heard a police siren. Gus immediately pulled over to the side of the road and started taking out his wallet.

"License and registration , please." An officer of the SBPD asked, as if reading off of a script. The officer then looked into the car and said "Oh, Mr. Guster!"

"Here." Gus replied as he handed Dobson his license and registration.

Dobson checked them over and handed them back. "Have a good evening, Mr. Guster. But please try to pay more attention to how fast you're going. Anyway, bye!" Dobson announced as he walked back to his squad car and drove off.

Gus finished driving to the Psych office, very grumpy that he got delayed.


14 minutes later...

"Shawn? Where are you?" Gus asked, still grouchy from being pulled over. "Shawn??"

Gus walked into the break-room to discover Shawn, asleep on the couch, bags under his eyes, hugging a pillow.

'We'll just talk in the morning then,' Gus thought to himself. Gus got himself comfy on his chair and fell asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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