Chapter 15

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"I sure wish I had a few members of Oscar's make-over team at my disposal right about now," Sara said, dusting her hands over the hem of her skirt. "Are you sure it's still okay to wear white this time of year?"

"Very sure. White seems to be a favorite around here." He placed a hand on the middle of her back reassuringly, guiding her up the steps to the restaurant where they would meet with Nicolas Stavros. It was located on the outskirts of the resort's property, perched right along the edge of the shoreline.

She eyed him skeptically. "I guess I'm lucky he's into shipping and not fashion. Otherwise, I'd blow your whole deal before dinner gets started."

Ryan chuckled. At least he wasn't the only one who was nervous. "You look gorgeous, with or without Oscar's team," he told her. It was true- he had to fight to keep himself from staring. The dress she wore brought out a glow in her freshly tanned skin, the white fabric a stark contrast to her dark hair flowing in loose waves around her shoulders. It seemed to him that the island's climate appeared to suit her just fine.

The maître d showed them to their table, nestled in the corner of the restaurant. Surrounded completely by glass, it almost seemed as if the restaurant was floating on the water. He had to hand it to Stavros- the guy knew how to impress.

"Wow," Sara said, echoing Ryan's thoughts. "Imagine living in a paradise like this all the time. Do you think you'd ever get used to it?"

"Maybe." He watched as a large ship pulled into a port nearby. "Sometimes I do take the amazing things in my life for granted."

He was beginning to think that's exactly what he'd done with Sara- taken her friendship for granted all those years ago. He hadn't realized what she'd meant to him until he lost her. Now that she was back in his life, he didn't want her thinking he'd make that same mistake again.

"Don't be too hard on yourself," she said, looking at him with a familiar kindness in her eyes. "Look at how hard you're working to become the CEO. You're not taking that for granted."

"No, my mother's made sure I won't do that." He checked his watch. Stavros was running a few minutes late. He hoped that wasn't a bad sign- that the younger Stavros wouldn't pull the same kind of power moves the old man did. "But I have to become the CEO first, which won't happen if tonight doesn't go well."

"Don't start second-guessing yourself." Sara placed a hand on his wrist, squeezing gently. "You are going to nail this deal. Stavros isn't going to be able to resist your powers of persuasion."

He smiled, grateful for her support. He'd forgotten how nice it felt to her by his side, rooting for his success. "I'll do my best."

"You've totally got this."

Ryan looked toward the front of the restaurant, just at the moment that Nicolas Stavros entered, watching as he shook hands with the maître d who had seated them earlier. "I hope so. There he is."

He nodded toward Stavros and Sara followed his eyes. "That's him?" she asked with the quick raise of an eyebrow. "He looks...."

"Like he should be on a soap opera?" Ryan supplied, taking stock of his opponent. He had the same dark features and stern jawline of his father. But the younger Stavros had softer look in his eyes that gave Ryan a spark of hope.

"Or the cover of GQ Magazine."

Ryan snorted and rolled his eyes, swallowing back a sarcastic retort. Stavros headed toward their table, exchanging brief pleasantries before joining them.

"I hope you have enjoyed the island." Stavros gestured toward the village in the distance. "I appreciate the two of you traveling all this way to meet me."

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